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By: T. Kalesch, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Therefore bacteria examples generic 500 mg marvitrox mastercard, in order to understand the chemical nature topical antibiotics for acne side effects generic marvitrox 250mg without prescription, physical properties staph infection purchase marvitrox toronto, stability, pharmacological actions and toxicities of a majority of drug molecules, the knowledge of aromatic chemistry is extremely important. Before we look into the specific examples of various drugs that belong to this aromatic class, let us try to understand what aromaticity really is. How- ever, there are a number of other nonbenezenoid compounds that can be classified as aromatic compounds. He isolated benzene from a compressed illuminating gas that had been made by pyrolysing whale oil. In 1834, Eilhardt Mitscherlich synthesized benzene by heating benzoic acid with calcium oxide. In the late 19th century, August Kekule´ first noticed that all early aromatic compounds contain a six- carbon unit that is retained through most chemical transformation and degradation. Benzene If n ¼ 1, we have 4 Â 1 þ 2 ¼ 6, which means that any compound contain- ing a total number of six p electrons is an aromatic compound. In the above structure of benzene, there are three double bonds and six p electrons, and it is a planar molecule. Naphthalene Anthracene Nonbenzenoids These compounds generally have two or more rings fused together, but none of the rings is a benzene structure, and they conform to Huckel’s¨ rule, i. Macrocyclic These are monocyclic nonbenzene structures, and the ring sizes are quite big. There is an adequate number of double bonds and p electrons to conform to Huckel’s¨ rule; e. N N H Pyridine Pyrrole Pyridine has p electron structure similar to that of benzene. Each of the five 2 sp -hybridized carbons has a p orbital perpendicular to the plane of the ring. H H Structure of pydridine with p orbitals The situation in pyrrole is slightly different. It has four sp -hybridized carbons, each of which has a p orbital perpendicular to the ring and 2 contributes one p electron. The nitrogen atom is also sp -hybridized and its lone pair electrons occupies a p orbital. Therefore, there is a total of six p electrons, which makes pyrrole an aromatic compound. Just a few examples of pharmaceutically important aromatic compounds are cited here. Aspirin, a well known non-narcotic analgesic and antipyretic drug, is a classic example of a pharmaceutically important benzene derivative. Morphine, an aromatic alkaloid, is a narcotic (habit-forming) analgesic that is used extensively for the management of post-operative pain. Aromatic compound valium is prescribed as a tranquillizer and ibuprofen as an anti-inflamma- tory, and sulpha drugs, e. Taxol, one of the best selling anticancer drugs of modern time, also belongs to the class of aromatic compounds. Accord- ing to his proposals, in benzene (a) all six carbon atoms are in a ring; (b) all carbon atoms are bonded to each other by alternating single and double bonds; (c) one hydrogen atom is attached to each carbon atom; (d) all hydrogen atoms are equivalent. H H H H H H Kekulé structure of benzene Limitations of Kekule´ structure The Kekule´ structure predicts that there should be two different 1,2-dibromobenzenes.

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