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By: C. Urkrass, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

The salty extracellular fluid acts as an excellent conductor anxiety 9 months pregnant generic 150mg bupron sr overnight delivery, allowing these instantaneous net dipoles anxiety jacket for dogs order bupron sr 150mg fast delivery, generated on the surface of the heart muscle to be recorded by electrodes on the surface of the body slender anxiety order bupron sr line. The net dipole that exists at any instant during depolarization is oriented (ie, points) in the general direction of wavefront movement at that instant. Net cardiac dipole during atrial depolarization and its components on the limb leads. The net dipole in the example in Figure 4-4 causes the lower-left portion of the body to be generally positive with respect to the upper-right portion. This particu­ lar dipole will cause positive voltages to exist on all three of the electrocardiogram limb leads. A cardiac dipole that is oriented hori­ zontally appears large on lead I, whereas a vertically oriented cardiac dipole, how­ ever large, produces no voltage on lead I. It is important to emphasize that the example in Figure 4-4 pertains only to one instant during atrial depolarization. The net cardiac dipole continually changes in magnitude and orientation during the course of atrial depolarization. The nature of these changes will determine the shape of the P wave on each of the electrocardiogram leads. The P wave terminates when the wave of depolarization, as illustrated in Figure 4-4, reaches the nonmuscular border between the atria and the ventricles and the number of individual dipoles becomes very small. Thus, no voltages are measured on the surface of the body for a brief period following the P wave. The initial ventricular depolarization usually occurs on the left side of the intraven­ tricular septum, as illustrated in the upper panel of the fgure. The upper-right panel shows the actual defections on each of the electrocardiographic limb leads that will be produced by this dipole. Note that it is possible for a given cardiac dipole to produce opposite defections on different leads. The second row of panels in Figure 4-5 shows the ventricles during the instant in ventricular depolarization when the number of individual dipoles is great­ est and/or their orientation is most similar. This phase generates the large net cardiac dipole, which is responsible for the R wave of the electrocardiogram. As indicated, such a dipole produces large positive R waves on all three limb leads. The third row in Figure 4-5 shows the situation near the end of the spread of depolarization through the ventricles and indicates how the small net cardiac dipole present at this time produces the S wave. Note that an S wave does not necessarily appear on all electrocardiogram leads (as in lead I of this example). Consequently, no net cardiac dipole exists at this time and no voltage differences exist between points on the body surface. All electrocardiographic traces will be flat at the isoelectric (zero voltage) level. This indicates that the net cardiac dipole generated during ventricular repolarization is oriented in the same general direction as that existing during ventricular depolarization. However, recall from Figure 2-5 that the last ventriculr cell to depolrize are thefrst to repolrize. The reasons for this are not well understood, but the result is that the wavefront of electrical activity during ventricular repolarization tends to retrace, in reverse direction, the course followed during ventricular depolarization.

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The buttock region is the most common area for pressure ulcers to develop anxiety 24 7 dizziness best order bupron sr, accounting for more than 70% of all pressure ulcers mood disorder nos dsm order bupron sr 150 mg online. The remaining ulcers occur in any location that expe- riences long periods of uninterrupted pressure depression physical symptoms buy bupron sr from india. Risk factors for pressure ulcers include impaired mobility, age, reduced sensory percep- tion, weight loss, poor nutrition and dehydration, Figure 17–31  Lentigo. At-risk patients can develop a pressure sore within 2–6 hours of the onset of pressure. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel uses a six-stage system to categorize pressure ulcers (see Table 17–2 ). They are also caused by friction (skin dragged across a surface) and shear (bone moves down, skin over bone stays in place). Diagnosis requires a visual examination of the skin and may require a culture and blood tests to assess nutritional status and overall health Figure 17–32  Pressure sores. The first step in treatment is eliminating the includes repositioning, protecting and monitor- pressure. Specialized support surfaces and ing the condition of skin, proper nutrition, and pressure reduction devices have been shown to not using tobacco. Regardless of support surface or device, turning and repositioning the patient remain the cornerstones of prevention and treat- Corns and Calluses ment. This should be performed every 2 hours, Corns and calluses are areas of the skin that even in the presence of a specialty surface or have grown thick in response to repeated pres- bed. Treatment may also include wound debride- sure and friction and form to protect the skin. TaBlE 17–2 Pressure Ulcer Stages Suspected deep tissue Purple or maroon localized area of discolored intact skin or blood-filled blister due to damage injury of underlying soft tissue from pressure and/or shear. The area may be preceded by tissue that is painful, firm, mushy, boggy, warmer, or cooler as compared to adjacent tissue. Stage I Intact skin with nonblanchable redness of a localized area usually over a bony prominence. Darkly pigmented skin may not have visible blanching; its color may differ from the surrounding area. Unstageable Full-thickness tissue loss in which the base of the ulcer is covered by slough (yellow, tan, gray, green, or brown) and/or eschar (tan, brown, or black) in the wound bed. Chapter Seventeen Diseases and Disorders of the Integumentary System L 405 A callus (tyloma) involves a thickening of skin skin involved. Calluses usually form affect the epidermis; the epidermis is red, swol- on feet and hands over bony prominences. First-degree luses vary in color from white to gray-yellow, burns heal in approximately 1 week and do not brown, or red. When a callus develops Second-degree burns affect the epidermis a mass of dead cells in its center (glassy core), and portions of the dermis. Corns have distinct extremely red and blistered, and the area is very borders and usually form on the feet. Treatment includes anti- fitting shoes or socks, not wearing shoes or socks, biotic cream and pain relievers.

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An ionization lucite serves two functions: it is the support chamber is very slightly imaged on flm mood disorder with anger purchase bupron sr on line amex, but that holds the fuorescent screen or the image is so faint it is lost in the images screens depression what to do purchase cheapest bupron sr, and it transmits light to the pho­ of anatomic parts mood disorder in adults cheap bupron sr 150mg with mastercard. Gas (usually room a function of kVp because low energy pho­ air) is present between the plates. The gas tons are absorbed more readily in the phos­ becomes ionized when struck by radiation, ppor. At lower and ionization is in direct proportion to the peak kilovoltage (about 60 kVp) the phos- amount of radiation. In fact, the have a rectangular-shaped detector in its structure we have described is a parallel center (in the region of the mediastinum) plate capacitor. When the gas is ionized by and two more laterally placed square de­ radiation, the negative ion (electron) moves tectors. The technologist can choose to use toward the positive plate and the positive one, two, or all three detectors. Use of the ion (ionized gas atom) moves toward the central feld may permit a good view of the negative plate. When the ions arrive at the thoracic spine but overexpose the lung plates they neutralize part of the charge felds. This lung felds well unless one lung happens to reduction in charge reduces the residual be opaque. A variety of solid-state ra­ that the phototimer be adjusted for the diation detectors are on the market today film, intensifying screen, and cassette being that operate on the basis of radiation-pro­ used. Our Health and Human Services requires that mention of these two types is an indication a phototimer show variation of no more of how fuid solid-state technology is. An informal to terminate an exposure in case of equip­ poll of several of our local equipment sup­ ment failure. The Department of Health pliers indicated that photomultiplier tubes and Human Services regulations state that and ionization chambers are still in the ma­ the generator must automatically termi­ jority at this time. Miscellaneous Autotimer Topics Use of automatic timer devices requires Pulse-Counting Timers attention to a number of details; we will A technique used extensively in meas­ use this section to discuss some of these. There curate clock, the atomic clock, counts the may be one, two, or three detectors; the very stable frequency of atomic oscillation. In the electronic world, timing is accom­ A single detector positioned in the center plished by counting pulses of a regular pe­ of the flm is commonly used in fuoro­ riodic voltage. The time would be to count voltage pulses of cathode-anode circuit, called the high-volt­ high frequency. Obviously, the higher the age circuit, contains an autotransformer frequency, the more pulses that are and a step-up transformer. Pulse-counting timers use this technique Rectifiers are devices (usually silicon di­ of voltage pulse counting to control the odes) that transmit a current in only one time of short exposure techniques. Single-phase generators may frequencies can be generated by the oscil­ have half-wave rectifcation (60 pulses per lation in a quartz crystal whose frequency second). Three-phase generators may be of oscillation is determined by the size, ori­ six-pulse (360 pulses per second) with a entation of the cut of the crystal, and the theoretical ripple factor of 13. Special types of however, discuss piezoelectric oscillation in generators include capacitor-discharge Chapter 20 on ultrasound). With a quartz generators, battery-powered generators, crystal it is quite easy to obtain megahertz medium-frequency generators, and falling frequencies that are extremely stable. A 1O-ms time could be meas­ dicates the maximum safe output of the ured by counting 10,000 pulses. Such ratings are ex­ number of pulses accounts for the accu­ pressed as the kilowatt rating.