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By: U. Tufail, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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Fortunately pain treatment during labor cheap aspirin 100 pills online, if one takes proper action using natural compounds and proper nutrition the adrenal crash is not permanent pain treatment center franklin tn purchase aspirin 100pills with mastercard. As the Adrenal Fatigue heals and health improves pain medication for dogs dosage 100 pills aspirin sale, other foods can once again be ingested, normal stress tolerated, and normal life activities can resume. Having looked at the entire recovery management process as a whole, we now turn to specific areas where special attention is required. Stabilization / Plateau Period Many are discouraged when there is no immediate restoration of energy level after a crash and become impatient. Many feel, after a short time, that they are simply going nowhere and "treading water" as if there were no continuous increase in energy level. This time is commonly referred to as the stabilization period if it follows a crash, and plateau period if it immediately follows a recovery cycle. Remember that the adrenals secrete over 50 different hormones that affect all parts of the body. Those who are impatient or narrow-minded often resort to the use of stimulatory compounds or medications to produce a faster energy response. Energy needs to be properly modulated to be able to work harmoniously with the rest of the body and work. Too much energy without proper counter-balances will eventually lead to an overall weaker state of adrenal function. One can end up being energized (wired) and tired at the same time, a classic characteristic of advance Adrenal Exhaustion. A critical part of proper adrenal recovery is nurturing the adrenals back to a balanced state of function in order to minimize subsequent crashes during this time. After a major crash, the body often needs a period of stabilization prior to beginning the first recovery mini-cycle up. An aggressive approach to stimulate the adrenals towards a fast recovery at this time can backfire and is one of the common recovery mistakes seen in self-navigation programs. Allowing the body time to stabilize and using this time wisely to prepare the body with gentle nurturing nutrients is a sign of clinical excellence. With this approach, a strong foundation is set as the adrenal reserve is being rebuilt. This ensures a steady recovery and minimizes the risk of subsequent crashes during the recovery process. Minor crashes may be unavoidable even under the best of hands, especially if the adrenals are constitutionally weak. Some of the subtle indications of an adrenal being rebuilt during the initial stabilization period are a gentle and gradual return of calmness to everyday life, a better ability to deal with stress, and reduced anxiety when stressors resurface. However on the surface, there may not be any significant improvement in energy level from day to day. Yet, one can look back and notice that crashes are more spaced out and sporadic, with less energy depletion when that happens, and there exists a sense of calmness even when stressors surface. For this reason, a well-utilized stabilization period is the most important part of the overall Recovery Phase. The worse recovery scenario possible is when someone recovers quickly only to be followed by more crashes that spiral down over time. This cascading waterfall must be avoided at all costs as it weakens the body with reduced chances of successful recovery with each crash. The risk of this can be minimized only if the adrenals have a chance to rebuild itself slowly and steadily under proper guidance, and the best time to successfully accomplish this is during the initial stabilization period of the Recovery Phase and the subsequent plateau period of each mini- recovery cycle. This is similar to the stabilization period; except that it only happens after the honeymoon period and not after an adrenal crash. After rest and consolidation of energy at this level, the body will be ready for the preparation period to get ready for the next honeymoon period of adrenal recovery.

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This is the nature of atoms and so called modern medicine is based on a 200 year old reductonism 17th century Newtonian it is calculated in the Mendeleev table of elements pain burns treatment buy discount aspirin 100pills on-line. A true new modern medicine of the body electric opens the door to a more elements allied pain treatment center youngstown ohio purchase aspirin no prescription. It is a simple lesson that tells us just how afordable pain treatment winnipeg purchase aspirin 100 pills visa, sophistcated, safer, and more efcient modern medicine. Those to say that over Conventon) quantum theory is not relevant to biology are expressing a rather concerning ignorance. Louis Ampere discovered amperage, Volta discovered Molecules can be very very complex. These molecules all have a structure of their outer electrons that can is in Ohms and Ohms law states that voltage equals amperage tmes resistance. Voltammetry is the science of electrodes checking the week of electronics class usually taught in 9th grade physics. This is how every substance reacts to another, The right hand rule describes the felds around a fowing current. And it says that as a current the outer electrons never touch but the feld interacton as determined by voltammetry is a fows like your outstretched right thumb, a magnetc feld is made at 90 degrees like your out defniton of how they work. Every atom or molecule can be balanced, positve charge, negatve charge, or combinaton of Thus the felds of electricity are described. So we Proton and Electron Balance called the process of measuring this feld the trivector. The fundamental partcles of all things the electron and proton are electrical in nature. The body Voltammetry is the science of understanding how a substance’s electro-magnetc feld reacts has to organize these properly to maintain health. A hormone has electrons and protons and how they are placed in a 3 positve (proton) is important. The amount of charged partcles Acids accept electrons, because they are proton enriched. It is one is the amperage, the pressure or potental of the charged partcles is the volts. Every compound having it’s own individual and distnct voltammetric signature feld. Once we measure simple variables we can easily calculate a great variety of electrical forces. We can thus calculate volts, amps, Bases donate electrons, or bases accept protons. When you have too many electrons you are base ohms, reactance, susceptance, wats, capacitance, inductance, impedance, and other virtual and you will want to donate the electrons. Bases have the hydroxide ion and most are referred to as blank hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide etc. Knowing that reductonism has fled as a way to analyze the human body we can make more global measures of these energies of a human, compare them to norms, and then using safe Bases can be thought of as the chemical opposite of acids. Bases and acids are seen as opposites because the efect of an acid is to increase the hydronium ion (H3O+) concentraton in water, where as bases reduce this We can detect and afect the body electric is safe and efectve ways. Only with the 40 years of experience to sharpen and perfect the precision of the art.

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