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By: I. Frillock, M.A.S., M.D.

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Their number is always fluctuating and controversial arthritis in the knee disability purchase indocin with a visa, because of conflicting and evolving 56 CHAPTER 2 principles for lumping and splitting and disputes about the relative significance of "natural kinds" versus "social constructs arthritis pain apply heat or cold purchase indocin without prescription. The cluster of ideal cognitive models is generated from the bottom up arthritis care diet and exercise purchase indocin pills in toronto, starting with our experience of symptoms and what we have found out about their causes and cures. Beginning with symptoms, understanding builds up to individual disease concepts and their sub-categorical variants, then the classes of disease, like infectious diseases and vascular diseases, and at last, disease in general. The broader categories are understood in terms of the more specific ones, by and large. As we have already seen, there is no classical criterion, no univocal set of necessary and sufficient features to define disease literally. Depending on the vagaries of ongoing research, academic fashion and the mutually contradictory pronouncements of authorities at different times and in different places, category assignments shift, drift and are often in dispute. There is very little about this whole system which accords well with classical category structure. Central members of this category are extended by cognitive proximity, analogy and metaphor to increas- ingly peripheral examples. If a history of disease identifications were undertaken, I suspect that the central prototypes would be found to have been the first ones labeled as "diseases. Analogies and metaphors act cognitively like forces (such as gravity) or links in that the easily identified, clear cut central members present a cognitive pull on marginal examples, drawing them into association. At the very margins of the general "disease" category the most peripheral examples wobble in their orbits, so to speak, partially gravitating toward other large categories in the lexical neighborhood of disease: "old age," "weakness," "crime," "harm," "suffering," "eccentricity" and "infertility. Some rhetorical arguments try to reposition members of categories toward either their centers or their margins. For example, there is "date rape," whose very label represents an attempt to strengthen its relationship to a more prototypical crime. Similarly, proponents of abortion have labeled one of its forms "menstrual extraction" while opponents call it "murder. Some descriptions of homosexuality try to categorize it with typical "perversions" like bestiality and necrophilia; some construe it as a crime, usually trying to identify it with pederasty; and some portray it as a beneficial normal variant in the population. HEALTH AND DISEASE 57 Especially bizarre, brutal and vicious acts of harm are rhetorically pushed by prosecution and defense attorneys back and forth from the "crime" to the "disease" category. Others, having no particular interest in the outcome of individual cases argue for "disease" or "crime" labels, for example with drug abuse, depending on whether they think punishment, rehabilitation or medical treatment is the most effective remediation or response. When an attempt is made to reconstrue something in relation to one category or another, or in relation to the cognitive center of a category, we call it "exaggeration" when we feel it is unwarranted. They do not borrow from the peripheral or "borderline" cases whereas the reverse is true. However, knowledge about the central cases is only more or less applicable to the peripheral ones. Textbooks, diagnostic manuals and algorithms fail to note that much "disease" falls outside the well defined category of any specific disease entity. Research reports usually study strictly defined cases only, which is useful in that readers and authors under- stand the nature of the cases in the same way. But just how well knowledge about typical problems applies to atypical ones is determined informally. I have described the vagaries involved in defining "disease" as well as some of those complicating the assignment of particular cases to diagnostic categories.

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The causal factors do not necessarily come from outside the person arthritis wrist support generic 25 mg indocin mastercard, since there are inborn cancers dealing with arthritis in back buy generic indocin on-line, inherited syndromes causing cancers rheumatoid arthritis in lungs generic indocin 75mg with amex, idiopathic (etiologi- cally obscure) cancers, intrinsic resistance or susceptibility factors and behaviors increasing known environmental risks. Regarding the remaining cardinal "disease" features listed under the prototype, cancer is in the main similar. The central cognitive model is still Disease Is War with the useful modification that the victim is being undermined and "eaten from within" by an enemy. Accordingly, the disease "infiltrates," may be "insidious" and is "the body turning against itself. Finally, cancer is most common in the elderly, and thus seems more like a "real" disease and not a normal accompaniment of aging when it occurs in younger victims. Vascular Accidents In considering vascular accidents such as heart attacks, strokes and emboli (dislodged clots which migrate) it is evident that these conditions diverge differently from the prototype than does cancer. Even with a striking sudden initial episode there is the presumption (after the shock wears off), of prior "latent" or "occult" disease such as atherosclerosis, which has become manifest in the attack. The causes do not clearly originate outside the person, from the standpoint of medical science, but in habits, environment and inherited factors together. Thus the disease, upon reflection, is not entirely alien to the "self," broadly considered. Here and with many other diseases there is often a divergence in the HEALTH AND DISEASE 61 view initially taken by the caregiver and the victim, which may only be partially resolved later as they come to understand one another better. The victim has an interest in distancing her or himself as far as possible from the disease. This means that the victim has an interest in construing a part of the body from which the disease came (also in the case of cancer) as radically separated from the self. This sort of thinking is ready to hand because in everyday experience so many perspectives on and parts of our own bodies are unavailable and hidden from our own consciousness. Yet, when health is running smoothly we like to take credit for it as part of ourselves and self-worth. The patient, on the other hand, is understandably in conflict because she needs a strong self to "fight" the illness and incorporation of the illness into herself is contrary to that need. Frequently, our narratives of illness or aging have to do with attitudes we take toward infirmities including owning or disowning them. The causes of vascular disease and accidents are mostly physical, but personality factors and environmental stresses may yield "psychosomatic" effects on the circulatory system. The causes primarily affect the body but secondary psychosocial effects such as depression are often more important than with an illness like pneumonia. The victim is aware of being ill, but only after a presumed "silent" or latent process has become manifest. Because of the divergence between patients, who focus on the acute, disruptive and difficult to assimilate aspects of the disease and professionals who see these as outcomes of a long underlying process, the cognitive models and other portrayals of vascular disease are not uniform. The victim, and to a lesser extent the physicians, use language which maps injury and often assault on vascular disease. Delicate physiological processes, often "balances," are upset and the body attempts "compensation" for the damage which was originally caused by various excesses and deficiencies. The upshot is that cardiovascular disease in its diverse aspects can be thought of in terms of attack, injury, imbalance or mechanical breakdown ("heart failure"). Typically acute (chronic injuries and insults are less easily brought to mind) with recovery or death likely, but an increased chance over the prototype of permanent loss of parts or function.

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The ossification cen- ters of the capitate and hamate become apparent at about 3 months of age and remain the only useful observable features for the next six months arthritis diet primal blueprint cheap 50mg indocin amex. At about 10 months of age for girls x ray showed arthritis in back buy cheap indocin 50 mg online, and about 1 year and 3 months of age for boys arthritis treatment vinegar honey cheap indocin 25mg without prescription, a small center of ossification in the distal epiphysis of the radius ap- pears. Due to the lack of ossification centers, assessment of skeletal maturi- ty using hand and wrist radiographs during infancy is difficult. Estimates of bone maturation in the first year of life frequently require evaluation of the number, size and configuration of secondary ossification centers in the upper and lower extremities. During Infancy, bone age is primarily based on the presence or absence of ossi- fication of the capitate, the hamate and the distal epiph- ysis of the radius. The capi- tate usually appears slightly earlier than the hamate, and has a larger ossification cen- terandroundershape. The distal radial epiphysis ap- pears later Toddlers Females: 10 months to 2 years of age Males: 14 months to 3 years of age The ossification centers for the epiphyses of all phalanges and metacarpals become recognizable during this stage, usually in the middle finger first, and the fifth finger last. Bone age determinations are primarily based on the assessment of the number of identifiable epiphyseal ossification cen- ters, which generally appear in an orderly characteristic pattern, as follows: 1) Epiphyses of the proximal phalanges; 2) Epiphyses of the metacarpals; 3) Epiphyses of the middle phalanges; and, 4) Epiphyses of the distal phalanges. Twocommonexceptionstothisruleare: 1) The early appearance of the ossification center of the distal phalanx of the thumb, which is usually recognizable at 1 year and 3 months in males, and 1 year and six months in females; and, 12 Indicators of Skeletal Maturity in Children and Adolescents Fig. During this stage, bone age is primar- ily based on the number of recognizable epiphyseal ossification centers in the pha- langes and metacarpals 2) Thelateappearanceoftheossificationcenterofthemiddlephalanxof the fifth finger, which is the last phalangeal epiphysis to appear. The number and degree of maturation of the carpal bones in the wrist are less useful indicators at this stage, as only three or four (capitate, hamate and lunate and, at times, trapezoid) are recognizable. Pre-puberty Females: 2 years to 7 years of age Males: 3 years to 9 years of age Assessments of skeletal maturity in pre-pubertal children are primarily based on the epiphyseal size of the phalanges as they relate to the adjacent metaphyses. During this stage of development, the ossification centers for the epiphyses increase in width and thickness, and eventually assume a transversediameteraswideasthemetaphyses. Moreweightisgiventothe size of the epiphyses in the distal phalanges than to that in the middle pha- langes, and even less to that in the proximal phalanges. However, since the development of the distal phalanges appears similar at several different ages, at times the assessment is also based on the degree of maturity for the Pre-puberty 13 Fig. Depiction of the pro- gressive growth of the width of the epiphyses, which, during this stage of develop- ment,becomeaswideasthe metaphyses Fig. Assessments of bone age are primarily based on the degree of dif- ference in width between the smaller epiphyses and the larger metaphyses at the distal and middle phalanges epiphyses of the middle phalanges. On very rare occasions when there con- tinues to be doubt, the development of the proximal phalanx may be includ- ed in the assessment. The epiphysis of the ulna and all carpal bones, with the exception of the pisiform, usually become recognizable before puberty. However, these ossi- ficationcenters,likethoseofthemetacarpals,arelessreliableindicatorsof bone age at this stage of life. The epiphyses at this stage continue to grow and their widths become greater than the metaphy- Fig. Depiction of the pro- gressive growth of the epiph- yses, which, during this stage of development, become larger than the metaphyses. Special attention is also placed on epiphyseal shape, which, prior to epiphyseal fusion, overlaps the meta- physes, depicting tiny horn- like structures at both ends of the epiphysis (picture at far-right) Fig. During this stage of development, like for prepubertal and late-pubertal children, assessments are based primarily on the distal and middle phalanges Late Puberty 15 ses. Thereafter, the contours of the epiphyses begin to overlap, or cap, the metaphyses. This capping effect is depicted in a two-dimensional radio- graph as small bony outgrowths, like tiny horns, on both sides of the shaft.

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