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By: V. Lukjan, MD

Vice Chair, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

However diabetes mellitus type 2 epidemiology in the philippines purchase on line amaryl, patients do require adequate instruction in injection technique (Figure 2) and dosage titration managing diabetes naturally order amaryl with a visa. Side effects include pain at the site of injection diabetic diet nuts generic amaryl 3 mg online, priapism, and in long term use, scarring of the tunica albuginea with potential curvature and shortening of the shaft of the penis. Intracavernosal self injection technique Intracavernosal injections containing phentolamine and papaverine with or without alprostadil are also available. Patients should be warned about priapism and advised on initial management with moderate exercise and decongestant tablets and to seek medical advice if priapism persists after 4-6 hours. Clinically it was only approximately 30% effective and not uncommonly caused urethral burning and penile and testicular pain. The vacuum device is placed over the penis, subsequent vacuum draws blood into the penis: the constructor ring is rolled onto the base of the penis and the device is removed from the engorged penis. Different types of prostheses are available, ranging from malleable rods (Figure 4a, b) to inflatable tubes that mimic the function of the corpora cavernosa (Figure 5) and semi rigid devices. Surgery is quite expensive and complications such as mechanical failures and infection can occur even years later. Penile inflatable implant the man causes the erection by using the pump to shift fluid from the reservoir into the inflatable tubes. Although less common in younger men, it is usually a more urgent condition for these individuals. Erectile dysfunction requires understanding in areas such as pharmacology, cardiology, psychology andrology, endocrinology and urology. Erectile dysfunction in general medical practice: Prevalence and clinical correlates. Impotence and its medical and psychosocial correlates: Results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. Diagnosis and management of erectile dysfunction: A guide for practice in Australia. Prevalence of erectile dysfunction in France: Results of an epidemiological survey of a representative sample of 1004 men. Erectile Dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction Guideline Update Panel Members: Drogo K. Aquino time, it is not possible to determine whether these oral medicines for erectile dysfunc tion were the cause of the loss of eyesight or whether the problem is related to other Edith M. Budd factors such as high blood pressure or diabetes, or to a combination of these problems. Since that time, impotence, more precisely termed "erectile dysfunction," has received increasing attention because of the availability of new treatments approved by the U. In addition, the overall quality of clinical research and the methods of measuring outcomes have improved substantially. Although sex therapy and the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders are important management issues, the Panel agreed that these issues were beyond the scope of the guideline and would, therefore, not be discussed. Guideline statements from the 1996 Report on previously available therapeutic Copyright @2005 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. All guideline statements were graded according to the degree of flexibility in clinical application: standard, recommendation, or option, with standard being the least flexible and option being the most flexible (Table 1). Grading is based on two characteristics: knowledge of the health outcomes of the alternative intervention and preference for the intervention. Grades of Guideline Statements Based on Levels of Flexibility of Application Knowledge of Health Outcomes of the Preference for Grade Alternative Interventions Intervention Standard Sufficiently well known to permit Virtual unanimity meaningful decisions Recommendation Sufficiently well known to permit An appreciable but not meaningful decisions unanimous majority agrees Option Not sufficiently well known to permit Unknown or equivocal meaningful decisions the Panel believed that the patient, with physician guidance, must make his own decision in selecting treatment. Outcome estimates derived from review and meta-analysis of evidence provide physicians and patients with scientifically based information to assist them in making appropriate treatment decisions.

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Maltase digests maltose (malt sugar) blood sugar 35 amaryl 2mg without prescription, sucrase digests sucrose (ordinary cane sugar) diabetes diet reverse discount 3 mg amaryl with visa, and lactase digests lactose (milk sugar) diabetes symptoms zollinger purchase amaryl uk. The end product of carbohydrate 330 Human Anatomy and Physiology digestion is the so-called simple sugar; the most abundant is glucose. Two enzymes (renin and pepsin) in the gastric juice cause the giant protein molecules to break up into somewhat simpler compounds. Pepsinogen, a component of gastric juice, is converted into active pepsin enzyme by hydrochloric acid (also in gastric juice). In the intestine, other enzymes (trypsin in the pancreatic juice and peptidases in the intestinal juice) finish the job of protein digestion. When enzymes have split up the large protein molecule into its separate amino acids, protein digestion is completed. For obvious reasons, the amino acids are also referred to as protein building blocks. Fat Digestion Very little carbohydrate and fat digestion occurs before food reaches the small intestine. Most fats are undigested until after emulsification by bile in the duodenum (that is, fat droplets are broken into very small droplets). After this takes place, pancreatic lipase splits up the fat molecules into fatty acids and glycerol (glycerine). For example, the name amylase indicates that the enzyme digests carbohydrates (starches and sugars), protease indicates a protein digesting enzyme, and lipase means a fat-digesting enzyme. When carbohydrate digestion has been completed, starches (polysaccharides) and double sugars (disaccharides) have been changed mainly to glucose, a simple sugar (monosaccharide). Absorption After food is digested, it is absorbed; that is, it moves through the mucous membrane lining of the small intestine into the blood and lymph. In other words, food absorption is the process by which molecules of amino acids, glucose, fatty acids, and glycerol goes from the inside of the intestines into the circulating fluids of the body. As long as food stays in the intestines, it cannot nourish the millions of cells that compose all other parts of the body. Their lives depend on the absorption of digested food and its transportation to them by the circulating blood. Other nutrients are also actively transported into the blood of capillaries in the intestinal villi. Table 11-1 Chemical Digestion Digestive juices and Substance Digested Resulting Products* enzymes (or hydrolysed) Saliva Starch (Polysaccharide) Maltose (disaccharide) Amylase Gastric Juice Proteins Partially digested Protease (Pepsin) proteins plus hydrochloric acid Pancreatic Juice Proteins (intact of Peptides Protease (trypsin) and partially digested) Fatty acids, amino Lipase Fats emulsified by bile acids and glycerol Amylase Starch Maltose Intestinal Juice Amino acids Peptidases Peptides Glucose and fructose Sucrase Sucrose (cane sugar) (simple sugars) Lactase Lactase (Milk sugar) Glucose and galactose Maltase Maltase (malt sugar) (Simple sugars Glucose *Substances underlined are end products of digestion (that is, completely digested foods ready for absorption) 333 Human Anatomy and Physiology Review Questions 1. If you inserted 9 inches of an enema tube through the anus, the tip of the tube would probably be in what structure? Differentiate between deciduous and permanent teeth with respect to kinds and numbers. The urinary system consists of: Two kidneys: this organ extracts wastes from the blood, balance body fluids and form urine. They 338 Human Anatomy and Physiology are protected at least partially by the last pair of ribs and capped by the adrenal gland. On the medial concave border is the hilus (small indented area) where blood vessels, nerves & ureters enter and leave the kidney. Covering and supporting each kidney are three layers of tissue: • Renal capsule – innermost, tough, fibrous layer • Adipose capsule – the middle layer composed of fat, giving the kidney protective cushion. The renal pelvis is the large collecting space with in the kidney formed from the expanded upper portion of the ureters.

Vasodi lator therapy is generally not recommended for asymptomatic patients with mild-to-moderate aortic regurgitation unless systemic hypertension is also present diabetes prevention diet plan discount 3mg amaryl amex, as these patients generally do well for years without medical intervention diabetes type 1 death rate purchase amaryl without a prescription. The goal of long-term therapy in appropriate candidates is to reduce the systolic pressure (afterload) diabetes type 2 information purchase genuine amaryl on line, though it is usually difficult to achieve low-to-normal values owing to the augmented stroke volume and preserved contractile function at this stage. Several small studies have demonstrated haemodynamically benefi cial effects with a variety of vasodilators, including nitroprusside, hydralazine, nifedipine, enalapril and quinapril (27). These agents generally reduce left ventricular volumes and regurgitant fraction, with or without a concomitant increase in ejection fraction. Only one study, which compared long-acting nifedipine (60mg bid) with digoxin in 143 patients followed for six years, has demonstrated that vasodilator therapy can favorably influence the natural history of asymptomatic severe aortic regurgitation (35). The use of nifedipine in this study was associated with a reduction in the need for aortic valve surgery from 34% to 15% over six years. Whether angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors can provide similar long-term effects has not been conclusively demonstrated in large numbers of patients. Finally, it is important to note that vasodilator therapy is not a substi tute for surgery once symptoms and/or left ventricular systolic func tion intervene, unless there are independent reasons not to pursue aortic valve replacement. Diuretics are recommended to relieve symptoms of pulmonary congestion (dyspnea, orthopnea). Extrapo lating from studies of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, digoxin and spironolactone may be of symptomatic and survival benefit when added to diuretics and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, al though data from prospective studies in patients with valvular heart 63 disease are lacking. As noted previously for patients with acute severe aortic regurgitation, beta-blockers, which can slow the heart rate and thus allow greater time for diastolic regurgitation, are contra indicated. The loss of the atrial contribution to ventricular filling with the onset of fibrillation, as well as a rapid ventricular rate, can result in sudden and significant haemodynamic deterioration. Cardiover sion is advised whenever feasible, with the same caveats regarding anticoagulation for thromboembolic prophylaxis, as reviewed above. Mixed aortic stenosis/regurgitation Management of patients with mixed aortic valve disease can be quite challenging and depends, in part, on the dominant lesion. Clinical assessment requires integration of both physical examination and echocardiographic data. Symptoms may develop and indications for surgery may be met before the traditional anatomic (valve area) and haemodynamic (ejection fraction) thresholds are reached. The nondominant lesion may exacerbate the pathophysiology im posed by the dominant lesion. Diuretic and/or vasodilator therapies may alter loading conditions in favorable or unfavorable ways, though the former is usually well tolerated in patients with pulmonary con gestion. Beta-blockers should be avoided; digoxin may be of benefit once left ventricular systolic function has declined, though its use remains largely empirical. In general, management should be predicated on the identification of the dominant valve lesion and location, though it is recognized that the proximal valve lesion(s) may mask the presence and significance of the more distal valve lesion(s). Thus, the signs of left ventricular volume overload with aortic regurgitation may be attenuated by the presence of significant mitral stenosis, as obstruction to left ventricu lar inflow restricts filling. Other common combinations include mitral stenosis with tricuspid regurgitation (usually secondary to pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular dilatation), and aortic stenosis with mitral regurgitation. Intermittent or chronic diuretic use to treat symptoms of pulmonary or systemic venous congestion is usually well tolerated. The use of vasodilators must be individualized and depends on the dominant valve lesion, as well as on the expected contribution of the nondominant lesion(s). Percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy and the new demographics of mitral stenosis. Contrasting progression of mitral stenosis in Malayans versus American-born Caucasians.

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Capsule a small gelatinous case for holding a dose of medicine; a membranous structuring enclosing another body structure diabetic hypoglycemia amaryl 1mg fast delivery, as the articular capsule in a joint diabetes diet carbohydrates generic amaryl 2mg with amex. Center of gravity the center of one’s weight; half of one’s body weight is below and half above diabetes prevention vegetarian generic amaryl 2 mg without prescription, and half to the left and half to the right of the center of gravity. Chemical name medication name that describes its chemical composition (often same as generic name). Cheyne-Stkes respiration: breathing characterized by deep breathing alternating with very slow breathing or apnea often precedes death. Cast A material that supported an injured part of the body and makes it immobilize. Congestion Hyperemia, accumulation of blood in a part of blood or fluid in a part of the body e. Contact precaution precaution taken against disease that can be transmitted through direct contact between a susceptible host’s body surface and an infected or colonized person. Dangling positioning of a client so that he or she is sitting on the edge of the bed with legs down and feet supported by a footstool or the floor. Debridement removal of foreign, dead, and contaminated material from a wound, so as to expose healthy underlying tissue. Diagnosis the decision regarding the nature of an illness, arrived at by clinical assessment of the patient and result of investigation. Dorsal lithotomy examination position in which the client is lying on his or her back with the feet in stirrups. Dry heat Air heated to high temperature by electricity and used for sterilizing purposes. Droplet precaution precautions taken to prevent the spread of diseases transmitted by microorganisms propelled through the air from an infected person and deposed on the host’s eyes, nose or mouth. Elective (surgery) case in which the client’s condition is not life threatening and may choose whether or not to have surgery; also called optional surgery. Embolus a foreign substance, blood clot, fat globule, piece of tissue, or air bubble carried in a blood Enema An injection of fluid into the colon or rectum. Enteric coated tablets are covered with a substance that prevents their digestion in the stomach. Eupnea normal respiration Eviceration the protrusion of the intestines through an abdominal wound ; removal of the internal body contents. Exudate material that escapes from blood vessels and is deposited in tissue or on tissue surfaces; usually contains protein substances. Fahrenheit System of measuring heat Femoral pulse pulse felt in the groin over the femoral artery Fecal impaction accumulation of hardened stool in the rectum. Footdrop contructure deformity that prevents the client from putting the heel on the floor; results from improper positioning or anterior leg muscle paralysis. Gastrostomy Making an artificial opening into the stomach through which the patient is fed by pouring nourishment through a tube directly into the stomach. Generic name name assigned by a drug’s first manufacturer (often the chemical name). Kusmal’s breathing sever paroxysmal dyspnea, as in diabetic acidocis and coma Laceration a wound produced by tearing or ripping (as opposed to an incision made in surgery). Line of gravity direction of gravitation pull; an imaginary vertical line through the top of the head, center of gravity, and base of support.

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Surgical antisepsis plays an important role in preventing postoperative wound infections by limiting the type and number of microorganisms transferred into the wound during surgery diabetes and depression buy amaryl 3 mg amex. See Module 10 diabetes symptoms losing weight order amaryl toronto, Chapter 1 diabetic chart purchase cheap amaryl, Preventing Surgical Site Infections, for details on perioperative asepsis. Selection of Antiseptics Plain soap and clean water physically remove dirt, other materials, and some transient flora from the skin. Antiseptic solutions, however, kill or inhibit almost all transient and many resident microorganisms, including most bacteria (except spores) and many viruses. Antiseptics are designed to remove as many microorganisms as possible without damaging or irritating the skin or mucous membranes. Many chemicals qualify as suitable antiseptics for use on skin or mucous membranes. Appendix 2-A and Table A-1 list recommended antiseptic solutions, their microbiologic activity, and potential uses. Some antiseptics are not recommended for skin preparation prior to clinical procedures, including Savlon (containing 0. These are antiseptics used in non-health care settings such as homes and require dilution. In addition, these agents are not recommended nor designed for disinfecting and processing instruments and other inanimate objects. The results of these studies have shown the following:  Preoperative skin preparation using an antiseptic agent, when done correctly, effectively reduces skin flora, both transient and resident, and subsequently infection rates. Surgical Hand Scrub the purpose of surgical hand scrub is to mechanically remove soil, debris, and transient organisms prior to surgery and to reduce resident flora for the duration of surgery (residual effect). It is performed to prevent wound contamination by microorganisms from the hands and arms of the surgical team. This is especially important because sterile gloves alone do not prevent wound contamination due to micro tears or potential punctures in the gloves. Alcohol-based surgical handrub is thought to be at least as effective as traditional water-based surgical scrubs. Use of alcohol-based surgical hand scrub, however, does require that team members have thoroughly washed their hands prior to using it for the first time each day (see Table 2-1). Surgical Hand Scrub Using Antimicrobial Soap (see Table 2-2):  Do not use a brush for surgical hand scrub. Surgical Hand Scrub Using Medicated Soap Surgical Hand Scrub Using Medicated (Antimicrobial) Soap Clean subungual areas (under the fingernails) with a nail cleaner to remove any deposits before the first scrub of the day. For 2 minutes, scrub each side of each finger, between the fingers, and the back and front of the hands. If the hand touches anything at any time, the scrub time must be lengthened by another 1 minute for the same area that has been contaminated. Infection Prevention and Control: Module 7, Chapter 2 27 Use of Antiseptics Figure 2-1. For example, chlorhexidine is not approved for use on neonates or in mucosa, although, many facilities do. Alternatives include alcohol-based iodine solutions such as tincture of iodine (iodine [3%] with alcohol [60–90%]) and aqueous chlorhexidine and iodine solutions (for mucous membranes). If hair interferes with the surgical procedure and must be cut, trim the hair close to the skin surface with scissors, clip the hair using clippers immediately before surgery, or use a depilatory (hair removal) cream as an alternative to clipping. Both chlorhexidine and iodophors require 2 minutes of contact time to become effective once applied to the skin.

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