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By: N. Silvio, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine

Techniques of airway maintenance • Head tilt-chin lift Lifting the tongue a way from the posterior pharynx fungus gnat eggs soil order fluconazole 200mg overnight delivery, prevent airway obstruction in an unconscious patient • Jaw – thrust • An oro pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airway insertion • Tracheal intubation In all cases antifungal shampoo walgreens generic fluconazole 50mg without a prescription, the first step is to clear the airway and then maintain clarity while ventilation is carried out antifungal tube 100 mg fluconazole mastercard. Circulation: An artificial blood flow is provided by external cardiac compression. Venous cut down It is an emergency surgical procedure, which enables access to veins. Practical Session V the incision should follow the broken lines shown on the picture below. After isolation of the vein in the usual manner, a loop of thread is passed under the vein as shown in figure 2:12. Figure 2:12 Loop of thread passed the distal ligature is knotted and the ends of the proximal ligature are held without knotting. A needle (21G needle or the needle of the intravenous cannula which is to be used for the cannulation) is used to transfix the vein at the proposed site of cannulation, as shown in figure 2:13 Figure 2:13 Trance fixation 40 Essential Surgical Skills the circumference of the vein anterior to the needle is almost completely incised with a scalpel as shown in figure 2:14. The needle prevents injury to the posterior wall of the vein and also facilitates a clean-cut incision. Figure 2:14 Vein opening the intravenous cannula without the inner needle is then introduced into the venotomy opening, with the needle steadying the vein (Figure 2:15). The needle is then removed, the proximal ligature tied over the cannula and the wound closed. Figure 2:15 Cannula insertion Complications: Cellulitis 41 Essential Surgical Skills Hematoma Thrombophlebitis Reference: 1. Diagnosis: Inspection of the sucking wound Treatment: Immediate closure of the sucking wound followed by chest tube insertion. Hemothorax  Defined as accumulation of blood in the pleural space  Results from bleeding to the pleural space from any of the following sources: Lung parenchyma Intercostal or internal mammary arteries. Hemopneumothorax  Defined as the presence of both air & blood in the pleural space. Flail chest  Results exclusively from a blunt trauma that has caused fracture of>4 ribs at two different sites on each rib involved. Diagnosis: Close inspection to witness the paradoxical movement of the flail segment. General indications of Referral to higher centers in a patient with chest injury:  Massive hemothorax or continued bleeding  Massive air leak  Perforation of the intrathoracic esophagus  Mediastinal widening associated with hemothorax. There was a big bruise on the Rt posterior chest & this hemithorax was prominent & hardly moves with respiration compared to the left side. No significant finding was detected in the other systems except simple bruises on the left lower limb. Site of insertion is 5thor 6th intercostal space along the mid axillary line if only pneumothorax 2nd intercostal space at midclavicular line 1. Clean the selected site with antiseptics & apply a sterile drape (preferably a fenestrated drape)  Infiltrate the skin, muscle &pleura at the chosen intercostal space with local anesthetics(1%lidocain) See the figures below (Fig 3:1-3:2). Make a small transverse incision just above the lower rib to avoid damage to neurovascular structures running along the lower border of the ribs. In children, it is better to make the incision in the middle of the intercostal space. Using a pair of large curved artery forceps, split the intercostal muscles, penetrates the pleura & enlarge the opening. To minimize subcutaneous emphysema, seal this opening with the index finger of the left hand while holding the tip of the chest tube with the same artery forceps &introduce it to the opening.

Azithromycin compared with clarithromycin for the treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis in children anti bacterial fungal shampoo for dogs cheap fluconazole online amex. Potemtial mechanisms for failure to eradicate group A streptococci from the pharynx fungus gnats jade plant order fluconazole 150mg on line. Unexplained reduced microbiological efficacy of intramuscular benzathine penicillin G and oral penicillin V in eradication of group A streptococci from children with acute pharyngitis anti fungal ingredients proven 50 mg fluconazole. Evaluation of penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides for therapy of streptococcal pharyngitis. Penicillin for acute sore throat: randomized double blind trial of seven days versus three days treatment or placebo in adults. Penicillin V and rifampin for the treatment of group A streptococcal pharyngitis: a randomized trial of 10 days penicillin vs 10 days penicillin with rifampin during the final 4 days of therapy. Clindamycin in persisting streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis after penicillin treatment. Azithromycin versus cefaclor in the treatment of pediatric patients with acute group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 1998, 17(4):235–239. The role of the tonsils in streptococcal infections: a comparison of tonsillectomized children and sibling controls. Efficacy of tonsillectomy for recurrent throat infection in severely affected children. Oral penicillin may also be used as an alternative in secondary pro phylaxis, but the greatest concern with oral administration is non compliance, since patients often find it difficult to adhere to a daily regimen of antibiotics for many years (2). For those patients who are known to be, or are suspected of being, allergic to penicillin, oral sulfadiazine or oral sulfasoxazole represent optimal second choices (5). In the rare instance where patients are allergic both to penicillin and the sulfa drugs, or if these drugs are not available, oral erythro mycin may be used (5). Note that while the sulfa drugs should not be used for primary prophylaxis, they are acceptable for secondary pro phylaxis. Benzathine benzylpenicillin Benzathine benzylpenicillin is a repository form of penicillin G de signed to provide a sustained bactericidal serum concentration. Early studies indicated that serum levels of penicillin remained above the 91 Table 11. Modified in part from (5) minimum inhibitory concentration for group A streptococci for 3–4 weeks (6). The reconstituted or lyophilized penicillin should be stored at temperatures not exceeding 30 °C and be protected from moisture. Although the activity of benzathine benzylpenicillin remains stable in the vial for several years if appropriately stored, the activity may be affected by the presence of preservatives (4). The physical properties of the solution, if not opti mal, may also affect its degree of solubility and hence its absorption from the injection site, which can affect its bioavailability (7). Since preparations of benzathine benzylpenicillin are available from phar maceutical manufacturers around the world, quality control proce dures are necessary to ensure that the preparations have optimal absorption characteristics and that effective serum levels of penicillin will be maintained between injections. After deep intramuscular injection, peak serum concentrations are usually reached within 12–24 hours and effective concentrations are usually detectable for approximately three weeks in most patients and for four weeks in a smaller proportion (8). Since penicillin V is now as inexpensive as penicillin G, and since penicillin V is available in most countries, it is the preferred form of oral penicillin. Oral sulfadiazine or sulfasoxazole For a patient allergic to penicillin, oral sulfadiazine or sulfasoxazole are acceptable substitutes, unless the patient is also sensitive to sulfa drugs (5).

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These bundles function as a sphincter called Internal Urethral Sphincter (Involuntary) anti fungal oil for hair generic fluconazole 200mg overnight delivery. Far there along the urethra in the middle membranous portion a circular sphincter of voluntary skeletal muscle form the external urethral sphincter fungus gnat glow worm buy fluconazole from india. It joins the bladder at its inferior surface and transport urine out side the body during urination antifungal pills side effects cheap fluconazole 100 mg on-line. In male it pass through prostate, membranous portion (pelvic diaphragm muscle), spongy portion (that pass through corpus spongosus) and open at the tip of penis. The spongy portion joined by ducts from bulbo-uretheral gland (Mucus secreting gland). However, it is composed of mainly water, urea, chloride, potassium, sodium, cretinin, phosphate, sulfates and uric acid. Proteins, glucose, casts (decomposed blood) and calculi from minerals are abnormal if present in urine. To maintain the proper osmotic concentration of the extra cellular fluid to excrete wastes and to maintain proper kidney function the body must excrete at least 450ml of urine per day. The volume and concentration of urine is controlled by: Antidiuretic hormone Aldestrone the Renin – angiotensin mechanism 349 Human Anatomy and Physiology 12. Steps of urination are: Conscious desire to urinate Pelvic diaphram muscle relax Smooth muscle of Urinary bladder neck Moves Urinary bladder down, outlet Opens, wall Contracts & urine stretch, and wall stretch ejects Receptors are stimulated 350 Human Anatomy and Physiology Study Questions 1. The apex of each renal pyramid end in the a) Cortical region b) Papilla c) Juxta medullary region d) Capsule e) Tubule 2. The inner most layer of the ureters is the a) Mucosa b) Muscularis c) Adventitia d) Longitudinal layer e) Circular layer 3. The kidney function in all of the following except a) Acid – base balance b) An endocrine organ c) By removing metabolic waste d) By removing excess carbon dioxide e) By maintaining osmotic concentration 4. An increased volume of urine formation would follow: a) Inhibition of tubular sodium re-absorption b) A fall in plasma osmolarity c) A fall in plasma volume d) a and b e) a, b and c 5. The volume or chemical makeup of these fluids whenever deviates even slightly from normal, disease results. The correct proportion of water and electrolytes in the water and proper acid base balance are necessary for life to exist. Loss of 10% of total body water usually produce lethargy, fever and dryness on mucous membrane and a 20% loss is fatal. Extra cellular fluids found as interstitial fluid (the immediate environment of body cells), blood plasma and lymph, cerebrospinal, synovial, fluids of the eye & ear, pleural, pericardial, peritoneal, gastrointestinal and glomerular filtrate of the kidney. The concentration of water in the interstitial fluid is slightly higher than the concentration of water in plasma. The plasma proteins are responsible for this difference 354 Human Anatomy and Physiology A B Figure: 13. Hydrostatic pressure: it is the force exerted by a fluid against the surface of the compartment containing fluid. Osmotic pressure: Is the pressure that must be applied to a solution on one side of a selectively permeable membrane to prevent the Osmotic flow of water across the membrane from a compartment of pure water. When there is shift in the pressure of water to wards the interstitial space, accumulation of fluid in the space occur. Such accumulation of water produces distention of the tissue which appears as puffiness on the surface of the body. Causes of edema may be plasma protean leakage decreased protein synthesis, increased capillary or venous hydrostatic pressure, obstructed lymphatic vessels and inflammatory reaction. The important mineral solutes (electrolytes) of the body enter the body through food or drink. Under normal condition water is taken in to and excreted from the body, so it matches to maintain homeostasis.


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It is my strong hope that the use of these guidelines will greatly contribute to improved diagnosis anti fungal mould wash buy fluconazole once a day, management and treatment of patients fungi journals order 50mg fluconazole with visa. And fungus cordyceps buy cheap fluconazole 200mg on line, it is my sincere expectation that service providers will adhere to these guidelines/protocols. The Ministry of Health is grateful for the efforts of all those who contributed in various ways to the development, review and validation of the National Clinical Treatment Guidelines. We would like to thank our colleagues from district, referral and university teaching hospitals, and specialized departments within the Ministry of Health, our partners and private health practitioners. We also thank the Rwanda Professional Societies in their relevant areas of specialty for their contribution and technical review, which enriched the content of this document. Finally, we wish to express thanks to all those who contribute to improving the quality of health care of the Rwanda population. Weak / absent breathing Circulation Cold Hands with any of: Immediate transfer to emergency area: 1. Classifcation of pain severity Self-reporting: use of number or faces scale Observational: based on behaviors (crying, shaking, etc. Acute Gastroenteritis Defnition: Gastroenteritis is an infammation of the stomach and intestines that causes diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and other symptoms of digestive upset. Causes Viral gastroenteritis: Rotaviruses are the most likely cause of infec tious diarrhea in children under the age of 5 Bacterial gastroenteritis : Campylobacter, Salmonella or E. Persistent Diarrhea Defnition: Persistent diarrhea is a diarrhea, with or without blood, which begins acutely and lasts for 14 days or longer. Bloody Diarrhea Defnition: Frequent (>3/day) passage of blood and/or mucus in the stool Causes Amoebic dysentery is the most common serious cause in children Bacterial infections (e. Peptic Ulcer Disease Defnition: This refers to ulceration of gastric or duodenal mucosa that tends to be chronic and/or recurrent Causes Helicobacter pylori (H. The symptoms associated with peptic ulcers are not sensitive or specifc and the diferential diagnosis is broad. Causes Foods : Some mushrooms, polluted drinking water, certain im properly prepared or handled food Drugs : Sometimes drugs may be toxic and even deadly when taken in excess e. B It is ofen not possible to distinguish viral pneumonia from disease caused by bacterial pathogens. Wheezing child Defnition: A wheeze is a musical and continuous sound that originates from oscillations in narrowed airways. Wheezing is heard mostly in expira tion as a result of critical airway obstruction. Causes/ diferential diagnosis Bronchiolitis Asthma Oesophageal foreign bodies Aspiration Syndrome (gastro-oesophageal refux diseases) 3. Acute Bronchiolitis Defnition: Bronchiolitis is an infammation of the bronchiole tubes due to viral organism resulting in wheezing. If bronchodilators to be used, closely monitor efect as it might worsen respiratory distress. Asthma Defnition: Asthma is a chronic infammatory condition of the lung air ways resulting in episodic airfow obstruction. Note: Kilopascals are also used internationally; conversion would be appropriate in this regard. Asthma attack requires prompt treatment • Bronchodilators Ș Salbutamol: begin with 2-4 pufs/20 min frst hour then depending on severity: Mild: 2-4 pufs/3 hours Moderate: up to 10 pufs / hour Alternatively (especially in severe cases), use nebuli zation of Salbutamol 2. The clinician must monitor the patient’s response in terms of clinical control and adjust the dose accordingly.