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By: S. Tragak, M.B.A., M.D.

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A variety of techniques were used to has been employed by most surgeons till an empirical age of 16 reconstruct the nose in 106 cases bacteria journal articles buy generic macrozit online. This was a reasonable approach bacteria in urinalysis discount 500 mg macrozit free shipping, supported by and homologous—and their exploitations are summed up in clinical observations1 antibiotics for acne cost 100 mg macrozit otc,2 and experimental studies,3–10 in view of ▶Table 65. Of a total of 106 patients, 76 patients did have the popularity of submucosal resection in previous decades. This population is divided into groups cartilaginous and bony septum were widely acknowledged and treated by (1) an open approach (broken columella incision or warned against. There has been a change in perception V-Y incision) and (2) a closed approach (hemitransfixion, deliv- recently,11–14 with some authors claiming a paucity of evidence ery, or other). Indications and demographic patient details are for untoward effects of conservative surgery,14,15 and sugges- also shown in ▶Table 65. The techniques used to reconstruct tions have been made that some such conservative techniques, the nose in 76 cases (open or closed approach) and the different which have gained support through animal research, may be grafts—autogenous and homologous—and their exploitations employed in pediatric and adolescent groups. Those advocating surgery on a growing nose have employed follow-up periods that do not adequately settle the issue. The expected bene- effects of surgery and trauma on the midfacial growth are fits of early intervention in a given indication have to be either subjective or based on analysis of two-dimensional weighed against the possible adverse outcomes owing to the measurements. Outcomes and effects on midfacial growth in these Closed approach (n) 53 patients, who underwent surgery before puberty, provide valua- Broken Columella incision (n) 44 ble evidence. This chapter presents our experience with septo- V-Y procedure (n) 11 rhinoplastyinchildrenoverthelasttwodecades. Thisisthe Delivery (n) 8 largest series of patients of this age group where the results and sequelae have been studied after septorhinoplasty, keeping in Follow-up period February 1994-August 2007 mind the importance of adequate follow up after the growth Follow-up period 53 (12–157) spurts. The patients in this series have been followed for variable (>12 months), months (range) periods after puberty and adolescence. The clinical circumstan- Follow up too short, 12 ces, indications for surgery, extent of surgical interference, and Operation recently done (<12 outcomes in 106 patients are discussed. Clinical guidelines for months) (n) surgery in this group of patients, based on our experience and Lost to follow up (<12 months) 16 the evidence from research so far, are presented. The upper age of our study population >16-<20 52 was extended to 19 years to ensure adequate follow up beyond Indications the midfacial growth spurt during puberty and adolescence. Indications, demographic patient details, and 514 Pediatric Rhinoplasty in an Academic Setting Table 65. Suptratip onlay 4 0 Columella onlay 4 0 Dorsal strut 2 0 Rim graft 1 0 515 Age Considerations in Rhinoplasty Fig. Repair was achieved by straight- forward reconstruction without disturbance of growth zones and with minimal purging of tissue. Unfortunately, at the age of 16 this patient traumatized his nose, resulting in a nose fracture. At this point, extensive recon- struction of only the septum was performed via an endonasal approach. The adage to postpone septorhinoplasty till after the pubertal Several series with limited follow up gave rise to misleading growth spurt, to prevent growth inhibition and redeviation, is statements in the literature that septorhinoplasty in children still valid. Severe functional and aesthetic concerns, however, does not have consequences for the outgrowth of the nose and may necessitate early surgical intervention.

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