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By: T. Ur-Gosh, M.A.S., M.D.

Co-Director, Ponce School of Medicine

The governor should make every efort to ensure that local herbals on demand coupon generic 30caps himplasia free shipping, state yashwant herbals cheap himplasia 30 caps line, and federal resources that are battling the fres are coordinated and in synch with one another’s eforts herbals detox cheap himplasia 30caps otc. Local leaders need to be Case Studies: Disasters from Natural Forces—Fires ◾ 35 reassured that resources will be forthcoming to provide their communities with temporary shelters, medical assistance, and food and water. One method that can increase the safety of frst responders is to gather more personnel and attempt to get state- of-the-art frefghting equipment to fght the fres as well as perform search and rescue operations. The governor should also attempt to improve logistics to the frst responders by ensuring that the frst responders have plenty of sup- plies for operations (e. Key Issues Raised by the Case Study The problems in this case study were the lack of infrastructure, poor coordination with diferent frefghting units, and a lack of resources to fght the fre efectively. A couple of preventative measures that may have assisted the frefghters in con- trolling the blaze would have been to thin out the trees in densely wooded areas as well as clear dead and dry debris from fallen trees so that if a fre did begin, it would have less fuel to burn. In addition, stockpiling frefghting resources and pre-positioning certain assets can also improve the chances of responding more quickly and efectively to a fre. Items of Note The fre burned 3 million acres of forest and killed at least 86 people (Petersen, 2005). Tis incident is possibly the largest forest fre in American history, if not world his- tory, and had no determined cause (Petersen, 2005). Hartford Circus Fire, Connecticut, 1944 Stage 1 of the Disaster You are the fre chief for a large metropolitan city on the east coast of the United States. The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus has come to your city to do a series of performances. The circus has a traditional big top and 8,000 of your residents (the majority are women and children) have gone to see the show. The big top itself is canvas and has been waterproofed with a combination of parafn wax and gasoline (Willow Bend Press, 2007). You do not have the authority to ban canvas that has been waterproofed in this manner. You will need to construct an evacuation plan for the residents in case a fre occurs in the big top. In addition, you will need to plan and 36 ◾ Case Studies in Disaster Response and Emergency Management pre-position frefghting equipment in the vicinity of the circus so that you can respond quickly if a fre does occur. You also need to inform city ofcials about the danger of having such a structure for public events since the tent is highly fammable. The organizers of the circus should be made to comply with fre codes that require all exits to be marked and cleared of obstructions. As the fre chief, you will need to have frefghting vehicles and ambulances on standby in case an emergency does occur. In addition, medical supplies and fre extinguishers should be on hand and available at the circus. Stage 2 of the Disaster As the show begins, a fre has started on the canvas of the big top tent, which sends thousands running for their lives as the fre quickly engulfs the structure (Willow Bend Press, 2007). As the evacuation progresses, you realize that the crowd is evac- uating toward the fre (Brown, 2008). Furthermore, you notice that several of the exits are blocked by animals that are in cages (Willow Bend Press, 2007). You need to have your frefghters become more involved by actively directing the crowds toward the correct exits and moving the animal cages to free up more exits.

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Stage 3 of the Disaster It has been reported to you that several people have just seen a suspicious person wearing a green jacket herbals california generic 30caps himplasia fast delivery, khaki coveralls herbs parts cheap himplasia online visa, and jeans (Lavergne herbals for horses himplasia 30caps fast delivery, 1997) pushing a dolly with a trunk across the campus (Macleod, 2007b). Unfortunately, no one seems to remember what direction the person was heading (Macleod, 2007b). An order should be given to the campus police to fnd the suspicious person immediately. Additionally, the president can direct the police to fnd the vehicle the person was driving and thus determine who the person is and where they may be going on campus. The president should keep in close contact with the chief of police to monitor the situation. Additionally, if the situation continues much longer, department heads should be contacted to see if any suspicious persons have been seen in their areas. Stage 4 of the Disaster One of your employees just ran into the student at the university tower as he was tak- ing the elevator to the top foor. Since there are no research facilities in the university tower, the person has no business (as a research assistant) bringing a trunk into the building. The president should contact the university police and have them dispatched to the university tower immediately. If any employees are in the university tower, they should be alerted to the fact that a suspicious person is in the building and told to be cautious being around the person. Stage 5 of the Disaster Shots are heard ringing out from inside the university tower. You receive a call from the municipal police department stating that sniper fre has commenced from the tower and several of your students have been shot (Macleod, 2007c). Panic is now rushing over the campus and students are feeing in every direction (Lavergne, 1997). The president should direct the university police to evacuate the area immediately. If any students have been wounded, the police should be directed to get them out of harm’s way as fast as possible. The president should direct his chief of police to coordinate eforts with local police to apprehend the sniper. If students are out in the open, they should be directed to seek shelter in nearby buildings. The president should stay in constant contact with his police chief as well as the municipal police department to monitor the situation. Stage 6 of the Disaster You now have state police ofcers, county sherif’s deputies, and municipal police ofcers on the campus grounds attempting to shoot at the tower. You have local citizens entering the fray and fring at the student with high-power hunting 178 ◾ Case Studies in Disaster Response and Emergency Management rifes that are in their vehicles (Macleod, 2007c). The police have informed you that only one person is at the top of the tower acting as a sniper. You now have wounded and dead littering the campus courtyards and anarchy is present (Macleod, 2007c). The priority is to do anything possible to prevent anyone else from getting killed or wounded. Anyone that has been wounded needs to be evacuated to a hospital as soon as possible. For anyone that is wounded, obtain- ing any type of armored car to protect frst responders would be preferable. Tis type of transportation will allow for frst responders to safely evacuate wounded persons to a hospital. Stage 7 of the Disaster Armored cars and ambulances are now attempting to reach the wounded to evacu- ate them to a nearby hospital (Lavergne, 1997).

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Other investigators have reported similar results with the staged approach (218 herbals on demand down order 30caps himplasia with mastercard,219) herbs direct buy generic himplasia. Early and long-term results of the surgical treatment of tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia herbs n more discount himplasia online mastercard, with or without major aortopulmonary collateral arteries. Malhorta and Hanley (223) have reported that a “complete” unifocalization could be accomplished in 76% of 464 patients managed in this way. The earlier interventions inherent in this more aggressive approach may reduce the occurrence of segmental pulmonary vascular disease and progressive “loss” of segmental pulmonary arteries. Early and long-term results of the surgical treatment of tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia, with or without major aortopulmonary collateral arteries. Those repaired at older ages have the most fibrosis, suggesting that pre- and perioperative factors are the most important insults (247). These studies of regional scarring have been extended to examine interstitial fibrosis as measured by extracellular volume by T1 mapping techniques. Interestingly, for what is often thought to be a “right heart” disease, a significant increase in left ventricular fibrosis was discovered in a recent study (251). The thresholds for intervention in more contemporary cohorts will almost certainly be different and deserve further study. Right Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction While disruption of the pulmonary valve during surgical repair usually initiates the pathophysiology described above, not all patients are affected in this way. In the midterm (2 years post repair) postoperative restriction predicts later restrictive physiology (256) but long-term prospective studies with serial follow-up are lacking. As well as anatomical considerations, there are physiologic factors linking the ventricles. Even in health, the filling of one ventricle influences the compliance and filling of the other (diastolic ventricular–ventricular interaction). In the subsequent systole, initial movement of the septum is back toward the neutral position (to the right) and this creates paradoxical septal motion. However, the clinical meaning and the mechanisms underlying this relationship remain uncertain. Does it imply that intrinsic contractile function of the myocardium in each ventricle is interdependent? Quite separate from the potential for adverse ventricular–ventricular interactions are the unique anatomical and perioperative factors that might directly affect the left ventricular myocardium of individual patients. However, there are also aortic root histologic (290) and elastic (291) abnormalities in these patients, and it seems likely that these, too, play a role. All aortic root measurements were enlarged at the time of repair, but within 7 years, the annulus and sinotubular Z-scores had returned to normal and the aortic sinus measurements showed significant regression (296). These guidelines suggest that for the majority of patients, the frequency of review should be annual, but those with an excellent surgical outcome or who remain stable might be followed less frequently. The purpose of routine follow-up is to anticipate and monitor potential complications and, when necessary, to intervene before these become clinically important. Regular visits also provide an opportunity for patient education and advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Routine Holter monitoring has not proven useful for predicting clinically important arrhythmias but patients should be asked about symptoms of palpitations and syncope. Echocardiography should be performed at each visit and regular cardiopulmonary exercise testing is useful to formally document changes in exercise capacity. In patients for whom further interventions are planned, cardiac catheterization is sometimes necessary to assess hemodynamics and anatomy and, in middle- aged patients, to exclude atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. However, as discussed earlier, at present there is no consensus as to the indications and optimal timing of this procedure. If they become significantly stenosed or regurgitant, surgically placed valves can often be rereplaced nonsurgically with the previous percutaneously implanted valve providing support for the new valve.

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Many centers believe that the pump head should open system also allows a smaller prime volume to be main- not be totally occlusive so as to lessen the degree of dam- tained and safely monitored in the reservoir qarshi herbals cheap himplasia 30 caps otc. The rollers are adjusted 146 Comprehensive Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease herbals in tamilnadu purchase himplasia canada, Second Edition to allow a minute degree of clearance yavapai herbals order cheap himplasia online, which is set so as to achieve a measured degree of leakage past the roller head. At Children’s National Medical Center, a leak rate of 1 cm per minute is the goal. If this adjustment is not done cor- rectly for both rollers of the pump head or if the equipment is perhaps old and loses this setting during the procedure then once again the calculated fow rate will be greater than the actual fow rate. Another source of error in calculating pump fow rate from a roller pump results from the premise that the elastic recoil of the tubing will be complete irrespective of the revolutions per minute of the pump head, when in fact, elastic recoil varies at different temperatures. Regardless of practice, one needs to be aware of these factors to understand roller pump blood fow measure- ments during cardiopulmonary bypass. Hemolysis and Roller Pumps In the early years of cardiac surgery, there was concern that roller pumps would cause hemolysis. In fact, many studies of this question suggest that if occlusion is set properly, there is (a) very little hemolysis at the arterial pump head. In contrast to hemolysis at the arterial pump head, there can be considerable hemolysis with high fow suc- tion where blood and air are mixed in the suction line at high velocity. The air–blood interface appears to be the source of hemolysis rather than direct injury to red cells by the roller pump. Minimizing suction head revolutions per minute will reduce air entrainment and thereby limit hemolysis. Roller Pump Consoles There are several new consoles currently available that are particularly suitable for pediatric use, including the Sorin S5 (Sorin Group) (Fig. This new generation of heart– (b) lung machine is highly customizable to suit the institution’s needs and preferences. The pump heads themselves can be rotated up to centrIfugAl pumps 240° without diffculty. They can turn indepen- Centrifugal pumps have been explored as an alternative to dently of each other for use as suction or left heart venting, roller pumps for many years and historically, most pediat- or one can be slaved to the other at an adjustable ratio for ric institutions have decided to remain with the simplicity, fexible cardioplegia delivery. In recent years, the designed in a compact format with a 20% decrease in profle, popularity of the centrifugal pump has started to increase as as compared to the previous generation. Centrifugal pumps work on the these improvements allows for drastically reduced lengths of principle of a high speed rotor with vanes impelling blood tubing throughout the entire circuit, which in turn decreases to the outlet of the pump head. These pumps all suffer from prime volume, dilutional effects, surface area contact, and some degree of afterload dependence, that is, the fow that is resistance to fow. However, in the past, systems However, afterload dependence results in constant fuctua- with pulsatile roller pumps were studied. Centrifugal pumps require an ultrasonic of such pumps was able to rotate in a discontinuous fash- fow meter, which may or may not be built into the pump, ion creating a pulsatile arterial pressure profle. The accuracy ble oxygenators, this waveform was more easily achieved of these fow probes can be inaccurate at lower fow rates. Another limitation is that a centrifugal pump cannot be below) may help to decrease the dampening effect. Finally, tion, in the pediatric setting, the very small arterial cannu- the disposable pump head is a signifcant additional expense, las that are often employed will further dampen the pressure particularly when contrasted with the disposable component of pulse. Other pulsatile systems that have been examined a roller pump, which is simply a short length of tubing which include pulsatile assist devices in which a balloon placed in occupies the arterial head raceway. New centrifugal pump designs, such as the Revolution Pulsatile diaphragm pumps analogous to left ventricular (Sorin Group) and Rotafow (Maquet), have decreased these assist devices have also been examined, but have not come side effects signifcantly by altering fow characteristics into general usage.

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