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The molecular adaptations probably responsible for some aspects of tolerance and somatic dependence are best understood signaling mechanisms in opiate receptor-bearing cells (Fig virus wars buy generic goldamycin on line. With repeat administration of mu agonist opiates such The locus ceruleus (LC) antibiotics for uti list purchase goldamycin uk, located in the dorsal pons antibiotics for uti elderly generic goldamycin 500 mg fast delivery, is as morphine or heroin, both tolerance and dependence the major noradrenergic nucleus of the brain and regulates emerge. There is a significant somatic component to heroin arousal, attention, and vigilance. It is involved in responses dependence as manifest by the classic heroin somatic with- to stress, and together with other noradrenergic cell groups drawal syndrome. It had initially been hypothesized that plays a role in regulation of the autonomic nervous system. Thus, despite continued op- turned out to be the case; rather opiate tolerance and depen- iate exposure, LC firing rates gradually return to their basal dence appear to be caused by adaptation in postreceptor levels. At this point, administration of an opioid receptor Chapter 96: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Addiction 1373 antagonist, such as naloxone or naltrexone, causes a dra- mice exhibited markedly reduced signs of withdrawal in- matic increase in LC firing rates. In animals, the period cluding complete absence of sniffing and ptosis (44,45). Opiate-induced syndrome, and drugs, such as the 2-adrenergic receptor up-regulation of PKA does not involve CREB and may be agonist clonidine, which inhibit LC firing, attenuate with- mediated posttranslationally. When the regulatory subunits are bound erance and dependence depend on the cyclic AMP (cAMP) by cAMP, the catalytic subunits are free to phosphor late pathway. In the LC, as in most other cell types, -opioid substrate proteins. However, free catalytic subunits of PKA receptor activation inhibits the cAMP pathway via Gi acti- are highly vulnerable to proteolysis, whereas inactive sub- vation and stimulates an inwardly rectifying K current by units bound to regulatory subunits are proteolysis-resistant. As the number of enzyme the actions of agonist opiates on these K and Na molecules increases, the kinase activity can be more readily channels expressed by LC neurons decrease the excitability activated by the low levels of cAMP. With long-term opiate administration, however, a homeostatic compensatory re- Adaptations That May Produce Tolerance sponse occurs: key components of the cAMP pathway be- and Somatic Dependence on Ethanol come up-regulated in LC neurons; thus, for example there Like opiates, ethanol produces somatic dependence and are increased concentrations of adenylyl cyclase and protein withdrawal, although the clinical syndrome is quite distinct, kinase A. This up-regulation increases the intrinsic excitabil- and potentially more dangerous. The molecular mecha- ity of LC neurons, by activating the cAMP-dependent Na nisms are less well understood than those underlying opiate current. The activation of this current may explain why LC tolerance and dependence, but the comparison is instruc- firing rates return to normal despite the continued presence tive. There is some evidence that homeostatic adaptations of an opiate (an example of tolerance). These observations occur in response to ethanol that decrease GABAA receptor may also explain the dramatic increase in LC firing that expression and increase NMDA receptor expression on occurs if an opiate antagonist such as naloxone is adminis- some neurons. The decrease in receptors for the major in- tered to precipitate withdrawal (illustrating dependence). The de- to glutamatergic projections to the LC from the nucleus crease in GABAA receptor function is possibly due in part paragigantocellularis of the medulla. Lesions of the paragi- to decreased GABAA-1 subunit expression in the striatum, gantocellularis, or glutamate receptor antagonists admin- cortex, and hippocampus (46). Conversely, chronic ethanol istered locally in the LC, attenuate withdrawal-induced appears to increase the number and function of NMDA increases in LC firing rates by approximately 50%. During withdrawal, glutamate release is in- regulated cAMP pathway also may mediate this effect, as creased for up to 36 hours in the NAc, hippocampus, and long-term use of opiates causes up-regulation of the cAMP striatum (48).

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Minimal change disease Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis with hyalinosis Membranous glomerulonephritis Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis Crescentic glomerulonephritis Immunoglobulin A nephropathy Fibrillary and immunotactoid glomerulonephritis Collagenofibrotic glomerulopathy Lipoprotein glomerulopathy The Primary Glomerulopathies 2 antibiotics for sinus infection in pregnancy generic goldamycin 500 mg line. A antibiotic resistance obama cheap goldamycin 500 mg mastercard, This glom erulopathy antibiotics kill candida generic 100 mg goldamycin fast delivery, one of m any associated with capillary wall dam age by lym phokines produced by abnorm al T nephrotic syndrom e, has a norm al appearance on light m icroscopy. This glom erulopathy is the m ost com m on cause of nephrotic N o evidence of antibody (im m une) deposits is seen on im m unoflu- syndrom e in children (>70% ) and also accounts for approxim ately orescence. B, Effacem ent (loss) of foot processes of visceral epithe- 20% of adult patients with nephrotic syndrom e. This glom erulopa- lial cells is observed on electron m icroscopy. This last feature is the thy typically is a corticosteroid-responsive lesion, and usually has a m ajor m orphologic lesion indicative of m assive proteinuria. This graph Cyclophospham ide in m inim al change disease. O ne of several illustrates the cum ulative com plete response rate (absence of controlled trials of cyclophospham ide therapy in pediatric patients abnorm al proteinuria) in patients of varying ages in relation to that pursued a relapsing steroid-dependent course is illustrated. N ote that m ost children with N ote the relative freedom from relapse when children were given m inim al change disease respond to treatm ent within 8 weeks. An 8-week course Adults require prolonged therapy to reach equivalent response of chloram bucil (0. One of several controlled Cyclophosphamide trials of cyclosporine therapy in this disease is illustrated. Note the 80 relapses that occur after discontinuing cyclosporine therapy (arrow). Cyclophosphamide was given for 2 months, and cyclosporine for 9 months. Probability— actuarial probability of remaining relapse-free. The abnorm al glom eruli exhibit glom erulosclerosis (FSGS). Patients with FSGS exhibit m assive segm ental obliteration of capillaries by increased extracellular proteinuria (usually nonselective), hypertension, hem aturia, and m atrix–basem ent m em brane m aterial, collapsed capillary walls, renal functional im pairm ent. Patients with nephrotic syndrom e or large insudative lesions. These lesions are called hyalinosis often are not responsive to corticosteroid therapy. Progression to (arrow) and are com posed of im m unoglobulin M and com ple- chronic renal failure occurs over m any years, although in som e m ent C3 (B, IgM im m unofluorescence). The other glom eruli patients renal failure m ay occur in only a few years. A, This usually are enlarged but may be of normal size. In some patients, glom erulopathy is defined prim arily by its appearance on light m esangial hypercellularity m ay be a feature. O nly a portion of the glom erular population, initially atrophy with interstitial fibrosis invariably is present. The elec- tron microscopic findings in the involved glomeruli mirror the light microscopic features, with capillary obliteration by dense hyaline “deposits” (arrow) and lipids. The other glomeruli exhibit primarily foot process effacement, occasionally in a patchy distribution. CLASSIFICATION OF FOCAL SEGM ENTAL CLASSIFICATION OF M EM BRANOUS GLOM ERULOSCLEROSIS W ITH HYALINOSIS GLOM ERULONEPHRITIS Primary (Idiopathic) Primary (Idiopathic) Classic Secondary Tip lesion Neoplasia (carcinoma, lymphoma) Collapsing Autoimmune disease (systemic lupus erythematosus thyroiditis) Secondary Infectious diseases (hepatitis B, hepatitis C, schistosomiasis) Human immunodeficiency virus–associated Drugs (gold, mercury, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, probenecid, captopril) Heroin abuse Other causes (kidney transplantation, sickle cell disease, sarcoidosis) Vesicoureteric reflux nephropathy Oligonephronia (congenital absence or hypoplasia of one kidney) Obesity FIGURE 2-11 Analgesic nephropathy Hypertensive nephrosclerosis M ost adult patients (75% ) have prim ary or idiopathic disease. M ost children have som e underlying disease, especially viral infection.

Te frst kind is about improving health: What kinds of health systems and services are needed and for whom? How can the necessary health services be provided antibiotic resistance uptodate goldamycin 100 mg line, and at what cost? How should health services adapt to the expected shifs in disease burden in the coming years? Te second kind of question is about measurement: What is the best way to measure the coverage of services and fnancial risk protection in any setting? How will we know when we have reached universal coverage? In the context of this report antibiotic upset stomach discount 500 mg goldamycin mastercard, scientifc research provides the set of tools used to stimulate and harness creative solutions to these questions – i bacteria on the tongue generic 100 mg goldamycin mastercard. Tis chapter gives an overview of the changing landscape of research. Te frst observation is that creativity, imagination and innovation – which are fun- damental in any culture of enquiry – are universal. A premise of this report is that new ideas will fourish wherever they are encouraged and permitted to do so. Te second observation is that there has been a striking increase in research productivity in low- and middle-income countries over the past two decades, in the wake of the 1990 report of the Commission on Health Research for Development among others (1). A greater recognition of the value of research for health, society and the economy has added impetus to the upward trend. Although the growth is uneven, most countries now have the foundations on which to build efective research programmes. Te process of doing research presents questions on several levels: What health problem needs to be solved? On the spectrum from disease etiology to health policy, what kind of question is being asked about this problem? Te sequence of research questions is not linear but cyclical: questions lead to answers and then to yet more questions. For instance, which stages of investigation in the research cycle will be included – measuring the problem, understanding the options to address the problem, solving the problem by comparing the options, implementing the preferred solution, or evaluating the 31 Research for universal health coverage Box 2. Research defnitions used in this report Research is the development of knowledge with the aim of understanding health challenges and mounting an improved response to them (2, 3). Research is a vital source, but not the only source, of information that is used to develop health policy. Other considerations – cultural values, human rights, social justice and so on – are used to weigh the importance of different kinds of evidence in decision-making (4, 5). Research excludes routine testing and routine analysis of technologies and processes, as would be done for the maintenance of health or disease control programmes, and as such is distinct from research to develop new analytical techniques. It also excludes the development of teaching materials that do not embody original research. Basic research or fundamental research is experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge about the underlying foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without any particular application or use in view (6). Applied research is original investigation undertaken to acquire new knowledge, directed primarily towards a specific practical aim or objective (6). Operational research or implementation research seeks knowledge on interventions, strategies or tools so as to enhance the quality or coverage of health systems and services (7, 8). The design could be, for example, an observational study, a cross-sectional study, a case−control or cohort study, or a randomized controlled trial (Box 2. Translational research, which moves knowledge gained from basic research to its application in the clinic and community, is often characterized as “bench-to-bedside” and “bedside-to-community”.