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Some infants with meningitis have drawn because doing so could cause herniation of the seizures as their only identifiable symptom pregnancy 25 weeks belly trusted female viagra 100 mg. Herniation of the brain stem occurs when the debilitated elderly patients may not have fever or other part of the brain connecting to the spinal cord is thrust identifiable symptoms of meningitis womens health zumba order female viagra 50 mg with mastercard. Such herniation will cause compression of Damage due to meningitis occurs from a variety of those structures within the brain stem that control the phenomena pregnancy 25 weeks belly cheap female viagra 100mg without a prescription. The action of infectious agents on the brain most vital functions of the body (breathing, heart beat, tissue is one direct cause of damage. Death or permanent debilitation follows age may be due to the mechanical effects of swelling and herniation of the brain stem. Swelling of the meninges may interfere with the normal absorption of CSF by blood vessels, causing accu- Treatment mulation of CSF and damage from the resulting pressure Because meningitis is a potentially deadly condi- on the brain. Alternative treatments should be of normally present substances (carbon dioxide, potassi- used only to support the recovery process following ap- um) to accumulate. Inflammation may cause the blood- propriate antibiotic treatments, or used concurrently with brain barrier to become less effective at preventing the antibiotic treatments. General recommendations Diagnosis Patients should be well rested in bed, preferably in A number of techniques are used when examining a a darkened room. They should be given lots of fluids patient suspected of having meningitis to verify the diag- and nutritious foods. Certain manipulations of the head (lowering the foods and those with high fat and sugar content. Fats are head, chin towards chest, for example) are difficult to difficult to digest in severely ill patients; sugar tends to perform and painful for a patient with meningitis. Patients should also take vitamin A (up to The most important test used to diagnose meningitis 10,000 IU per day), B-complex vitamins (up to 1,500 is the lumbar puncture (LP), commonly called a spinal mg per day), and vitamin C (up to 2 g per day) to help tap. Lumbar puncture involves the insertion of a thin keep the body strong and prevent future infections. Ad- needle into a space between the vertebrae in the lower ditionally, the patient may consider taking other antiox- back and the withdrawal of a small amount of CSF. The idants, essential fatty acids (EFAs), and/or participate CSF is then examined under a microscope to look for in therapies, such as massage therapy and movement bacteria or fungi. Normal may help patients regain their health and build up their CSF should contain no infection-fighting cells (white immune systems. The recovering individual, under the blood cells), so the presence of white blood cells in CSF direction of a professional alternative therapist, may opt is another indication of meningitis. Some of the with- to include mushrooms into his or her diet to stimulate drawn CSF is also put into special lab dishes to allow immune function. Contact an experienced herbalist or growth of the suspected infecting organism, which can homeopathic practitioner for specific remedies. In recent years, however, doctors have turned to such newer medications as vancomycin or the fluoro- Blood-brain barrier—An arrangement of cells quinolones to treat bacterial meningitis because strains of within the blood vessels of the brain that prevents S. It the effectiveness of the blood-brain barrier in preventing also makes it difficult for certain medications to the passage of substances into the brain, medications pass into brain tissue. Antiviral drugs (acyclovir) bers within the brain which then flows over the may be helpful in shortening the course of viral meningi- surface of the brain and spinal cord. Pa- nutrition to cells of the nervous system, as well as tients who develop seizures will require medications to providing a cushion for the nervous system struc- halt the seizures and prevent their return.

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Curanderas use a variety of objects in their healing sessions menstruation at 8 cheap female viagra 100mg with amex, including herbs and spices womens health group lafayette cheap female viagra master card, eggs women's health center bryan texas purchase generic female viagra line, lemons, flowers, fruits, holy water, pictures of saints, crucifixes, candles, incense, and oils. Holy water is used for protection from negativity or Cuscuta is the name of a group of plants in the evil spirits. Incense is used to purify strangle tare, scaldweed, dodder of, greater dod- the room, while and oils are used as protection der, and lesser dodder. In- Although much of the Hispanic community is cur- stead, it grows on other plants, using their nutrients for rently devoted to the practice of curanderismo, many its growth and weakening the host plant. Agriculturalists Abrasion Incision Laceration Puncture Avulsion Amutation Dollemore, Doug and Prevention Health Books for Seniors Staff. Patience Paradox Aspirin, acetaminophen, or nonsteroidal anti-inflam- matory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or ketoprofen can be taken to reduce pain. If there is a lot of bleeding, however, aspirin and NSAIDs should be avoid- ed because they may interfere with blood clotting. Keep- ing the edges of the wound together can help keep dirt out, speeds healing, and decreases scarring. Sometimes keloids form, and these Sound, particularly in the form of music, drumbeats, painless scars become gradually less prominent and visi- or chanting, was used for healing purposes in numerous ble over a period of months to years. Serious damage types of music on blood pressure and other bodily indi- may also result if an infected wound is left untreated. The term “cymatics” was coined by Hans Jenny, a Swiss scientist who derived it from the Greek word (a great wave). Jenny published a book about the structure, dynamics, It is especially easy to get cuts and scratches while and effects of sound vibrations in 1967. Protective clothing and gloves are matic therapy was largely developed by Sir Peter Guy therefore recommended for any kind of manual labor Manners, an English medical doctor and osteopath, start- outside the house. Dry skin is much more susceptible to cuts, scratches, and cracking than moist skin. The safety of problem areas should be ad- Practitioners of cymatic therapy believe that sound dressed. For example, hardwood floors and stairs are is capable of rearranging the structure of molecules, and often slippery, as are loose rugs and broken steps or therefore has unlimited potential as a tool for healing. Also, the shower can be a major site of They claim to have successfully treated otherwise incur- home injuries. In addition, a booster shot is with tumors, internal, calcified joints, bacterial recommended every 10 years. LONGE, PROJECT EDITOR The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, Second Edition Project Editor Rights Acquisition Management Composition and Electronic Prepress Jacqueline L. Longe Margaret Abendroth, Ann Taylor Evi Seoud, Mary Beth Trimper Editorial Imaging Manufacturing Deirdre S. The authors Since this page cannot legibly accommodate all Gale is a registered trademark used herein and editors of this work have added value to copyright notices, the acknowledgments con- under license. Thomson Gale accepts no payment for list- Or you can visit our Internet site at uct, submit your request via the web at ing; and inclusion in the publication of any or- http:// Errors hereon may be reproduced or used in any form brought to the attention of the publisher and Permissions verified to the satisfaction of the publisher will or by any means—graphic, electronic, or me- Thomson Gale chanical, including photocopying, recording, be corrected in future editions. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA The Gale encyclopedia of alternative medicine / Jacqueline L. Readers should be aware that the universe product to be comprehensive, but not necessarily defini- of complementary medical knowledge is constantly tive.

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With the combination of relative ischemia of the vessel wall due to lack of CSF nutrients and the intense vasoactive presence maintained against the outer arterial wall menstrual upper abdominal pain purchase female viagra 100 mg amex, eventually the arterial wall becomes thickened women's health center madison wi purchase female viagra 100mg mastercard. A combination of necrotic smooth cells fills most of the media menstrual bleeding for 3 weeks best female viagra 100 mg, together with proliferating smooth cell precur- © 2005 by CRC Press LLC sors, all leading to severe luminal narrowing. Instead of a vasospastic response at this time (5 to 7 days after the SAH), the vessel wall is thickened, has a small lumen, and cannot be dilated except with mechanical balloon pressure (angioplasty). What is not clear from previous pathologic studies is precisely when the mitotic turnover of smooth muscle cells begins to renew the damaged cells, and whether this smooth muscle cell proliferation is in response to the initial SAH, media necrosis, or earlier factors that appear prior to cell necrosis. A marker for mitosis could indicate when the SAH insult has led to the initial changes responsible for vessel necrosis and thickening. One hypothesis is that smooth muscle cell turnover begins rapidly after the SAH insult, and reaches a peak after 5 to 7 days. The vessel thickening would then correspond to a combination of vessel necrosis of smooth muscle cells in the media and mitosis and hypertrophy of an underlying population of cells, which would lead to smooth muscle renewal and proliferation. The smooth muscle cell proliferation would presumably then proceed over days to a few weeks, leading to a repopulation of the media and resumption of normal vessel reactivity and caliber. Thus, the time course of DCV is presumably delayed due to the slow onset of smooth muscle necrosis over several days. This, together with the combination of mitotic activity and hypertrophy of remaining cells, markedly increases the width of the media, leading to shrinkage of the vessel lumen. The 5-day period may be an unfortunate superimposition of these two processes of necrosis with associated cell swelling and the secondary hypertrophy and mitotic activity of smooth muscle cell turnover. This time period is compounded by the slow lysis of blood products by CSF and a correspondingly slow resumption of adequate vessel nutrition, pre- sumably as CSF adventitial pores are reopened or reconstituted. Cerebral vessels may show luminal narrowing for reasons other than media thickening and direct changes in smooth muscle cells. For example, there may be an infiltrative component suggestive of inflammation within the vessel wall in response to the SAH that may be separately treatable. The possible role of inflam- mation in vasospasm should be the focus of a search to determine the exact cellular content (other than smooth muscle precursor cells and mature or dying smooth muscle cells) within the thickened media. If inflammatory cells are specifically identified as significant components of thickened vessel walls, new therapeutic options for vasospasm may be developed in the future. The most probable explanation for the correlation of thickness of SAH on CT scans with the risk of DCV is that blood deposition adjacent to the vessel induces vascular wall necrosis by interfering with vessel nutrition and releasing spasmogens such as oxyhemoglobin. Theoretically, enhancing blood lysis in the CSF early after SAH © 2005 by CRC Press LLC could lead to decreased risk of and faster recovery from DCV (but promote rebleeding if early aneurysm clipping is not performed). This approach is advocated by those attempting to treat vasospasm with infusion of urokinase or tissue plasmi- nogen activator (tPA) into the subarachnoid space after SAH. Several trials have demonstrated the potential benefits of intracisternal urokinase or tPA infusion after SAH in the reduction of DCV. Although the benefits of tPA could potentially reach statistical significance in a larger trial, the results of this trial have dampened enthusiasm for fibrinolytic agents in SAH patients. Cerebral blood vessels are composed primarily of smooth muscle cells (long, taper- ing, single nuclei cells with thick-to-thin filaments aligned with the long axis) within the media. Smooth muscle contraction is involuntarily triggered by the autonomic system or by hormones, and is designed for slow, long-lasting contraction. Smooth muscle cells are specifically designed to maintain tension for prolonged periods (passive maintenance) while hydrolyzing five- to tenfold less ATP than skeletal muscle cells performing the same task. The actin in smooth muscle cells has a different amino acid sequence than that of cardiac or skeletal muscle cells, but there appears to be no known functional significance. Smooth muscle myosin resembles skeletal myosin; functionally, the level of ATPase activity is tenfold lower, which allows more direct calcium regulation of contraction. Also, smooth muscle myosin can interact with actin filaments and cause contraction only when its light chains are phosphorylated.

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INoonan syndrome Treatment and management Definition As of 2001 womens health editorial calendar buy genuine female viagra online, there is no specific treatment for NBS menopause weight gain solutions discount female viagra 100mg free shipping, Noonan syndrome is a condition usually involving a although folic acid (a vitamin B derivative) is recom- heart problem found at birth menstrual hygiene purchase female viagra with paypal, short stature, a broad or mended for prevention of chromosome breaks, since webbed neck, pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum repair of these breaks is compromised in NBS. Similarly, (chest deformities), as well as a range of developmental vitamin E is recommended for prevention of further cell delays. For treatment of cancer, high doses of radiation and other features of neurofibromatosis may be present. Description Prognosis First described by the pediatrician and heart special- ist Jacqueline Noonan in 1963, Noonan syndrome Patients with NBS have a decreased life span includes numerous specific features. Of affected individuals typically have the exact same combi- the 55 patients in the NBS registry described in 2000, five nation of these characteristics. As of 2001, there still is no had died from infections between infancy and eight years defined list of criteria to diagnose the condition, and no of age. Fourteen had died of cancer between the ages of molecular genetic testing exists to confirm a diagnosis. New York: Oxford syndrome, Female pseudo-Turner syndrome, Turner phe- University Press, 1999, pp. This means that an because so many features overlap between NS1 and affected individual has one copy of the mutated gene, and Turner syndrome. In half of people with Noonan syndrome have a family his- contrast, men and women are affected with Noonan syn- tory of it. A chest wall abnormal- ity is common, typically with pectus carinatum at the New studies have identified evidence for other upper portion (near the neck) and pectus excavatum inheritance patterns. Develop- four Dutch individuals with Noonan syndrome and their mental delays are sometimes a part of the condition. In autosomal recessive conditions Facial features such as a tall forehead, wide-set eyes, individuals may be carriers, meaning that they carry a low-set ears, and a short neck are common. However, carriers often do not dren with NS1 often have very obvious facial features, have symptoms of the condition. Someone affected with and may have a “dull” facial expression, similar to con- an autosomal recessive condition has two copies of a ditions caused by muscle weakness. However, facial fea- mutated gene, having inherited one copy from their tures may change over time, and adults with Noonan mother, and the other from their father. For each This makes the face a less obvious clue of the condition pregnancy that two carriers have together, there is a in older individuals. Other associated features in NS1 are 25% chance for them to have an affected child, regard- smaller genitalia in males, as well as cryptorchidism. Consanguineous parents Some individuals with the condition develop thrombocy- (those that are blood-related to each other) are more topenia, or a low number of blood platelets, as well as likely (when compared to unrelated parents) to have other problems with normal blood coagulation (clotting). Therefore, two consanguineous parents Another type of the condition is Noonan syndrome, may have the same abnormal genes, which together may Type 2 (NS2). This involves the same characteristic fea- result in a child with a recessive condition. The hall- tures as Type 1, but the inheritance pattern is proposed mark feature of the families in the Dutch study is that as recessive, rather than the more commonly seen domi- the parents of the affected children were consan- nant pattern. Noonan syndrome, also known as Noonan-neurofibro- matosis syndrome, and neurofibromatosis with Noonan Demographics Phenotype. In this, individuals often have some features As of 2001, Noonan syndrome is thought to occur of both neurofibromatosis and NS1.

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