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By: Z. Murak, M.S., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science

Designed to facilitate interaction and collaboration among people who share common interests and needs symptoms by dpo generic 4.5mg exelon with amex. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc medicine lake montana order exelon with a visa. Mougiakakou Raouf Naguib 332 Index Excellent additions to your library– Please recommend to your librarian treatment of gout order 1.5mg exelon with mastercard. Understanding the new responsibilities and a set of ground rules can ease this transition. What follows is a brief introduction to clinical medicine for the new clinical clerk. THE HIERARCHY Most services can be expected to have at least one of each of the following physicians on the team. The Intern In some programs, the intern is known euphemistically as the first-year resident. This duty, combined with a total lack of seniority, usually serves to keep the intern in the hospital more than the other members of the team and may limit his or her teaching of medical students. Any question concerning de- tails in the evaluation of the patient, for example, whether Mrs. Pavona gets a complete blood count this morning or this evening, is usually referred first to the intern. The Resident The resident is a member of the house staff who has completed at least 1 year of postgradu- ate medical education. The most senior resident is typically in charge of the overall conduct of the service and is the person you might ask a question such as “What might cause Mrs. A surgical service typically has a chief resident, a doctor in the last year of residency who usually runs the service. On medical services the chief resident is * Adapted, with permission, from Epstein A, Frye T (eds. The Attending Physician The attending physician is also called simply “The Attending,” and on nonsurgical services, “the attending. All major therapeutic decisions made about the care of these patients are ultimately passed by the attending. In addition, this person is responsible for teaching and evaluating house staff and medical students. They may or may not be active members of the team and may not be obligated to teach medical students, but usually they are happy to answer any questions you may ask. TEAMWORK The medical student, in addition to being a member of the medical team, must interact with members of the professional team of nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, and all others who provide direct care for the patient. Good working relations with this group of professionals can make your work go more smoothly; bad relations with them can make your rotation miserable. You will occasionally meet a staff member who is having a bad day, and you will be able to do little about it. Returning hostility is unwarranted at these times, and it is best to avoid confrontations except when necessary for the care of the patient. When faced with ordering a diet for your first sick patient, you will no doubt be con- fronted with the inadequacy of your education in nutrition. In matters concerning drug interactions, side effects, individualization of dosages, alter- ation of drug dosages in disease, and equivalence of different brands of the same drug, it never hurts to call the pharmacist. Most medical centers have a pharmacy resident who fol- lows every patient on a floor or service and who will gladly answer any questions you have on medications. The pharmacist or pharmacy resident can very often provide pertinent arti- cles on a requested subject.

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Cocaine has a rapid onset of action (1 minute) and a Tetracaine duration of up to 2 hours treatment 2 lung cancer buy exelon in india, depending on the dose or con- centration medicine to calm nerves buy 4.5mg exelon with amex. Lower concentrations are used for the eye medicine 665 generic exelon 3mg overnight delivery, Tetracaine hydrochloride (Pontocaine) is an ester of while the higher ones are used on the nasal and pha- PABA that is an effective topical local anesthetic agent 27 Local Anesthetics 335 and also is quite commonly used for spinal (subarach- action. Tetracaine is considerably more than sensory block; therefore, its use in obstetrics is lim- potent and more toxic than procaine and cocaine. Mepivacaine hydrochloride (Carbocaine) is longer acting than lidocaine and has a more rapid onset of ac- tion (3–5 minutes). AMIDES It has been widely used in obstetrics, but its use has de- clined recently because of the early transient neurobe- Lidocaine hydrochloride (Xylocaine) is the most com- havioral effects it produces. It is well tolerated, and in ated with mepivacaine are generally similar to those addition to its use in infiltration and regional nerve produced by other local anesthetics. It can be used with blocks, it is commonly used for spinal and topical anes- epinephrine or levonordefrin (dental use only). Prilocaine hydrochloride (Citanest) is an amide Lidocaine has a more rapidly occurring, more intense, anesthetic whose onset of action is slightly longer than and more prolonged duration of action than does pro- that of lidocaine; its duration of action is comparable. Prilocaine is 40% less toxic acutely than lidocaine, mak- Bupivacaine hydrochloride (Marcaine, Sensorcaine) ing it especially suitable for regional anesthetic tech- has particularly long action, and some nerve blocks last niques. It is metabolized by the liver to orthotoluidine, more than 24 hours; this is often an advantage for post- which when it accumulates, can cause conversion of he- operative analgesia. Oxygen obstetrics has attracted interest because it can relieve transport is impaired in the presence of methemoglo- the pain of labor at concentrations as low as 0. Treatment involves the use of reducing agents, while permitting some motor activity of abdominal such as methylene blue, given intravenously, to recon- muscles to aid in expelling the fetus. Fetal drug concentrations remain low, and drug-induced neurobehavioral changes are not observed in the new- TOPICAL AGENTS born. Bupivacaine also is approved for spinal anesthesia and is approximately four times more potent and more EMLA cream (lidocaine 2. Other Levobupivacaine hydrochloride (Chirocaine) is the topical preparations are effective only on mucosal sur- S-enantiomer of bupivacaine. EMLA has been shown to reduce pain on Animal studies show that it has less CNS and cardiac venipuncture and provide substantial anesthesia for toxicity than does bupivacaine. Ropivacaine (Naropin) is a recently developed long- TAC (tetracaine, adrenalin [epinephrine], and co- acting amide-linked local anesthetic. Its duration of ac- caine) is a combination topical anesthetic frequently tion is similar to that of bupivacaine, but it is slightly less used in pediatric emergency departments for repair of potent and requires higher concentrations to achieve the minor lacerations. Local anesthetics interfere with the movement of Application to the nerve cell ending would result which ion as a fundamental basis for their action? Phenylephrine is occasion- What is the best location to apply the local anes- ally used with procaine for dental procedures. Procaine has a relatively (C) Levonordefrin slow onset of action as well as a short duration of (D) Epinephrine action. Etidocaine shows a preference for motor (E) Cocaine rather than sensory block; this limits its effective- 4. This is because the metabolism of (C) Lidocaine all ester-linked local anesthetics leads to the forma- (D) Etidocaine tion of PABA, which is known to be allergenic to 5. However, cocaine is not employed in dental dure earlier in the day, and the dentist administered procedures. There were no other findings, al- though she indicated that she had a history of aller- SUPPLEMENTAL READING gic reactions. Neural Blockade in in complete block of conduction and therefore abo- Clinical Anesthesia and Management of Pain (2nd lition of pain transmission. However, wise healthy, takes no medications, and has no fam- SOMETIMES inadvertent vascular injection results ily history of difficulties with anesthesia.

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The sequelae of events after left heart tivity are not sufficiently effective when tubular function failure roughly follow the pattern of reduced stroke vol- has been com prom ised greatly medicine 770 cheap 1.5mg exelon. Larger than norm al um e treatment juvenile arthritis purchase exelon 3mg on line, leading to increased end-systolic and diastolic vol- am ounts of furosem ide are frequently em ployed medications 5 rs order exelon online pills, and um e, which elevates left ventricular end-diastolic pres- thus it is especially im portant to m onitor the patient for 21 Diuretic Drugs 253 excessive volum e depletion. Because these com pounds are organic acids Acute Renal Failure and are bound to plasm a proteins, they reach the lu- m inal fluid by secretion. A ny disease condition or drug The principal rationale for the use of diuretics in acute that im pairs secretion will affect the access of the di- renal failure is to prevent com plete renal shutdown. For ease or by drug-induced renal toxicity, the continued exam ple, renal dysfunction m ay lead to a buildup of production of even a sm all am ount of urine is probably endogenous organic acids that decrease drug secretion im portant in reducing further kidney tubular dam age. It of Pregnancy should now be obvious that in addition to disease and M any wom en retain fluid during pregnancy and during electrolyte im balances, the pharm acodynam ic handling the last days of the m enstrual cycle. Breast fullness and of the diuretics them selves m ay be a factor in diuretic subcutaneous swelling or puffiness are the m ost com - resistance. These patients m ay thus, when present in relatively high concentrations, be vulnerable to ototoxicity or other adverse effects if m ay produce som e expansion of the extracellular fluid larger am ounts of the diuretic are em ployed. Excessive prem enstrual edem a fre- Com pensatory proxim al tubular sodium absorption quently responds well to thiazide therapy. Recent expe- m ay contribute to or be responsible for the resistance rience has dim inished enthusiasm for use of any diuret- to loop diuretics. Since the edem a of pregnancy is used as an alternative approach to treating diuretic re- sistance once it has been verified that satisfactory Na frequently well tolerated, concerns of com prom ised uteroplacental perfusion, possible ineffectiveness of di- restriction is being followed and that the drug is being uretics in preeclam psia, and the risk of adverse effects adequately absorbed. A dm inistration of a carbonic an- hydrase inhibitor m ay be sufficient to enhance Na de- of diuretics on the baby (e. A lternatively, thiazide newborns) have led to dim inished routine use of these diuretics m ay be com bined with the loop diuretic to agents in pregnancy. The thi- azidelike diuretic m etolazone, which has som e proxi- m al tubule effects unrelated to carbonic anhydrase, ap- Resistance to Diuretic Adm inistration pears to be the m ost effective of the thiazide and Since the effectiveness of m any diuretics ultim ately de- thiazidelike drugs in this regard. This is especially Som e of the older diuretic drugs were self-lim iting; dangerous if the patient has significant liver or kidney that is, prolonged adm inistration resulted in a gradual disease. This problem was cor- trolyte derangem ent has been achieved, the effect sought rected through the use of interm ittent diuretic therapy. D rug Such a program of several days of diuresis followed by dosage, frequency of adm inistration, and Na intake several days of drug withdrawal delayed refractoriness should be adjusted to achieve hom eostasis. Solution M anufacturer Since the 1950s, diuretic therapy has changed dra- Norm osol-R A bbott m atically. Earlier, the m ajor diuretics were acid- Plasm a-Lyte Baxter form ing salts, xanthines, organom ercurial com pounds, Inosol D -CM A bbott and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. M ost of these solutions contain electrolytes in the following mEq range: sodium (130–150), potassium (4–12), chloride (98–109), bi- carbonate (50–55), calcium (3–5), and magnesium (0–3). W hen a patient is treated with a thiazide diuretic (A ) W hen the G FR drops below 30 m L/m inute, for hypertension, all of the following are likely thiazide diuretics are virtually useless. EXCEPT: (B) The com bination of a thiazide plus a potas- (A ) The fall of blood pressure that occurs in the sium -sparing diuretic m ay yield an adequate di- first 2 weeks of therapy results from a decrease of uretic response. Furosem ide increases the excretion of all of the fol- sure are due to decreased extracellular volume and lowing EXCEPT: cardiac output. The beneficial effect of the sustained (A ) Na reduction of blood pressure is due to reduced vascu- (B) K lar resistance. Extracellular volume remains modestly (C) Ca and M g reduced and cardiac output returns to pretreatment (D ) U ric acid levels. W hich of the following drugs is an appropriate ini- and is associated with an increased risk of ventricular tial antihypertensive therapy in an otherwise fibrillation and malignant arrhythmias. However, the degree to (B) Triam terene which individual patients are affected varies, though (C) H ydrochlorothiazide chronic administration of even small doses causes (D ) A ldactone some K depletion.

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The area of adjunctive medical therapy in CAS is still in its early stages: defining the role of periprocedural medications to prevent neurological complications and stent restenosis medications quetiapine fumarate purchase 3 mg exelon fast delivery. Another potential adjunctive medical therapy is the use of neuro- protective agents to halt ischemic cascades in acute stroke patients medications to treat anxiety buy exelon with a mastercard. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved intravenous (IV) therapy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) for use in acute ischemic stroke patients within 180 minutes of symptom onset medicine cabinets recessed purchase genuine exelon on line. Questions remain about the effectiveness of IV therapy and how the proportion of treated patients can be increased. Moreover, IV rtPA efficacy may be marginal because of low-drug concentration delivered to the clot, given the stagnation and slow blood flow surrounding the blocked artery. Although this is better than placebo results, 60% retained different degrees of disabilities at 90 days. The ideal goal of future intervention would be to improve the proportion of patients with better outcomes and have fewer patients with ICHs. Hence, endovas- cular, local administration of thrombolytics or mechanical clot retrieval devices is appealing. In acute ischemic stroke, the marginal benefit of thrombolytic agents more than 6 hours after symptom onset is outweighed by the incremental risk of ICH as time passes. An additional obstacle is the efficacy of clot lysis following administration of currently available thrombolytic agents. Intra-arterial therapy may provide a higher recanal- ization rate, but at the expense of increased risk of bleeding. To try to improve the © 2005 by CRC Press LLC rate of recanalization, a combination strategy of administering IV followed by intra- arterial thrombolytics has been implemented in many tertiary care centers. To improve patency rates after administration of thrombolytics, second, third, and fourth generations of rtPA have been introduced. The newer generations were developed by altering the terminal N units of rtPA and include tenecteplase (TNK), reteplase, alteplase, monteplase, lanoteplase, and pamiteplase. TNK is a mutant rtPA with higher fibrin specificity and longer plasma half-life due to slower clearance. Staphylokinase, a non-rtPA derivative produced by Staphylococcus aureus, has extreme fibrin specificity and a 6-minute plasma half- life, in comparison to 3 to 4 minutes for rtPA. Specificity to fibrin is thought to correspond to drug efficacy and lower incidence of hemorrhagic complications. The recanalization rate using IV rtPA is less than intra-arterial therapy, and the latter seems to be less with combined therapy. Even with the best strategy, the current pharmacological agents provide modest vessel patency rates and are time consuming to administer. Increasing the doses of therapeutic agents or combining different anti- platelet and fibrinolytic drugs may only lead to increased risk of ICH in stroke patients. This leads us to contemporary microendovascular device designs and innovative techniques that may provide significant advantages over pharmacological approaches. The Microsnare is a simple primitive design reported to capture or disrupt blood clots, but it can be associated with vessel dissection, perforation, or distal clot migra- tion. The © 2005 by CRC Press LLC nitinol corkscrew-like tip on the microwire can be pulled back to an inflated balloon at the tip of a microcatheter when the clot is captured. Ideally, the blood clot, the tips of the microwire, and the microcatheter should be engulfed by the end balloon and should be pulled out as one unit. Initial studies of nine vessels in swine models showed good retrieval and no dissection or perforation. A European trial known as the Neuronet evaluation in embolic stroke disease (NEED) is currently being conducted. The X-ciser uses a dual lumen microcatheter with rotating blades within a central hollow core and vacuum simultaneously to aspirate the debris of a clot.