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By: L. Narkam, M.A., M.D.

Assistant Professor, University of California, Merced School of Medicine

This is why the very young and the very old have no memory: the first are in a state of flux because of growth blood pressure healthy purchase zestril overnight delivery, the others because of decay blood pressure 50 cheap 2.5 mg zestril free shipping. Similarly blood pressure chart age group generic 2.5 mg zestril, neither those who are excessively quick nor those who are excessively slow [of wit]76 appear to have a good memory: the former are moister than they should be, the latter dryer: with the former, the appearance does not remain in the soul, with the latter, it does not take hold. It may be objected that this passage is about memory, and therefore not about an activity of the intellectual but of the sensitive part of the soul whose physical substrate is not at issue (although it is striking that Aristotle seems to present the soul as an extended entity in which things are going on and in which surfaces are present which should receive the impression of the phan- tasm; again, Aristotle only refers to these physical aspects when discussing variations or even deviations: what the ‘normal’ physical components of a successful act of memory are is not explained). However, it also refers to the physiological conditions of quick-witted and slow-minded people, excessive states that are related to an undue predominance of moisture or dryness. And the passage as a whole again speaks of typological differences in cognitive and intellectual behaviour within the human species that are caused by differences in physiological conditions. One of the differences is that while 76 That quickness and slowness of wit are meant is indicated by Phgn. Aristotle on the matter of mind 229 memory also occurs with other animals, recollection is confined to man, be- cause recollection is ‘like inference’ (o³on sullogism»v), because it clearly involves searching and deliberation. This, however, does not mean that it is an incorporeal process: That the affection [i. This occurs especially with the melancholics, for they are particularly moved by images. The reason why they have no control over their recollective activity is that just as people are unable to stop something they have thrown away, likewise the person who recollects and chases something sets something physical in motion, in which the affection takes place. This disturbance particularly occurs with those with whom there happens to be moisture around the perceptive place, for this [moisture] does not easily stop when set in motion, until the object sought turns up and the movement runs a straight course. Those who have large upper parts and those who are dwarfish are less good at memorising than their counterparts because they have much weight on their perceptual faculty, and their movements cannot remain in their original condition but are scattered; nor can they easily run a straight course in recollecting. The very young and the very old have poor memories because of the movement: the latter are in a state of decay, the former in rapid growth; and small children are also dwarfish until they have advanced in age. Again, the thesis (that recollection is a physical process) is demonstrated with a reference to a disturbance in the act of recollection. The word di†noia is used in a context which deals with mental concentration, and also the melancholics make their appearance; reference is made to moisture around the ‘perceptive place’; and in the following section, which again deals with special groups, dwarfs, the very young and the very old are mentioned. So we have a rational process (although Aristotle, perhaps significantly, does not say that it is an affection of the intellectual part of the soul) which takes place in a bodily part and which is susceptible to influences and disturbances of bodily conditions. Again, it remains unclear what the normal physical conditions for a successful operation of recollection (searching ‘along a straight course’, eÉqupore±n)77 are. The passages that I have discussed clearly suggest that, according to Aristotle, bodily conditions can be of influence on intellectual activities 77 On this expression see above, n. It is clear, however, that apart from incidental bodily states such as drunkenness or sleep (which may be characterised as disturbing agents, although the former is par‡ fÅsin, the latter kat‡ fÅsin), there are also more structural conditions such as the quality of the blood, age, the overall balance between warm and cold in the body and the quality of the skin. Variations in these structural conditions account for variations in intellectual capacities. The variations exist among different species, but also among individual members of one species or types within a species, such as dwarfs or melancholics. For the most part, these types represent ‘imperfect’ (ˆtele±v) or ‘deformed’ (pephrwm”noi) groups of human beings with spe- cial characteristics due to their physical aberrations. However, some types (such as the malak»sarkoi) seem to represent special classes of humans whose distinctive characteristics are not to be regarded as deformations, but as variations within one species that may be either conducive, or harmful, or just neutral to the exercise of certain psychic powers. We hear very little about what the bodily conditions of a normal, success- ful operation of the intellectual powers are, but, as I have already said, there is good reason to assume that this is just because, in the writings that have survived, Aristotle simply does not have much reason to dwell on them.

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