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By: J. Rakus, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor, University of Florida College of Medicine

Unlike digoxin erectile dysfunction under 30 order tadacip 20mg otc, the myocardium responds to the higher concentrations achieved during the distribution phase because lidocaine moves rapidly from the blood into the heart erectile dysfunction injection medication order tadacip 20 mg free shipping, and the onset of action for lidocaine after a loading dose is within a few minutes after comple- tion of the intravenous injection erectile dysfunction treatment herbal buy cheap tadacip 20mg on-line. In the upper end of the therapeutic range (>3 μg/mL), some patients will experience minor side effects including drowsiness, dizziness, paresthesias, or euphoria. Lidocaine serum concentra- tions above the therapeutic range can cause muscle twitching, confusion, agitation, dysarthria, psychosis, seizures, or coma. Cardiovascular adverse effects such as atrioven- tricular block, hypotension, and circulatory collapse have been reported at lidocaine con- centrations above 6 μg/mL, but are not strongly correlated with specific serum levels. Lidocaine-induced seizures are not as difficult to treat as theophylline-induced seizures and usually respond to traditional antiseizure medication therapy. Rather, lido- caine concentrations in the given ranges increase the likelihood that an adverse effect will occur. For dose adjustment purposes, lidocaine serum concentrations are best measured at steady state after the patient has received a consistent dosage regimen for 3–5 drug half- lives. If lidocaine is given as a continuous intravenous infusion, it can take a considerable amount of time (3–5 half-lives or 7. The ideal situation is to administer an intravenous loading dose that will achieve the desired concentration immediately, then start an intravenous continuous infusion that will maintain that concentration (Figure 7-2). The volume of distribution for the central compartment of the two-compartment model is used to compute the load- ing dose because lidocaine distributes rapidly to the myocardium and the heart is consid- ered to reside in the central compartment of the model. However, this pharmacokinetic parameter is rarely, if ever, known for a patient, so a loading dose based on a population average central volume of distribution is used to calculate the amount of lidocaine needed. Since the patient’s own, unique central volume of distribution will most likely be greater (resulting in too low of a loading dose) or less (resulting in too large of a loading dose) than the population average volume of distribution used to compute the loading dose, the desired steady-state lidocaine concentration will not be achieved. Because of this, it will still take 3–5 half-lives for the patient to reach steady-state conditions while receiving a constant intravenous infusion rate (Figure 7-3). After a lidocaine loading dose is given, serum concentrations from this dose rapidly decline due to distribution from blood to tissues, and serum concentrations due to the infusion are not able to increase rapidly enough to avoid a temporary decline or dip in lidocaine concentrations (Figure 7-2). The decline may be severe enough that ventricular arrhythmias which were initially suppressed by lidocaine may recur due to subtherapeutic antiarrhythmic concentrations. Even though the infu- sion is started right after the loading dose is given, serum concentrations due to the infusion can- not increase rapidly enough to counter the large decrease in concentrations during the distribution phase from the bolus dose. The dip in serum lidocaine concentrations below therapeutic amounts can allow previously treated arrhythmias to recur. So, the main clinical goal of administering loading doses of lidocaine is to achieve therapeutic concentrations as soon as possible, not to attain steady-state concentrations immediately after the loading dose is given. This prevents lidocaine serum concentra- tions from declining too far during the distribution phase of the intravenous bolus dose and before serum concentrations from the intravenous infusion have had an opportunity to attain therapeutic concentrations. The goal of therapy is suppression of ventricular arrhythmias and avoidance of adverse drug reactions. Lido- caine therapy is often discontinued after 6–24 hours of treatment so the need for long- term antiarrhythmic drug use can be reassessed, although longer infusions may be used in patients with persistent tachyarrhythmias. Because lidocaine is only administered parenterally, it is rarely used for more than a few days unless oral antiarrhythmic agents are ineffective. Because lidocaine is usually given for a short duration (<24 hours), it is often not neces- sary to obtain serum lidocaine concentrations in patients receiving appropriate doses who currently have no ventricular arrhythmia or adverse drug effects. However, lidocaine serum concentrations should be obtained in patients who have a recurrence of ventricular tach- yarrhythmias, are experiencing possible lidocaine side effects, or are receiving lidocaine doses not consistent with disease states and conditions known to alter lidocaine pharmaco- kinetics (please see Effects of Disease States and Conditions on Lidocaine Pharmacokinetics and Dosing section).


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If β-blockers sodic chest pain that may radiate to the jaw erectile dysfunction protocol list cheap 20mg tadacip free shipping, neck erectile dysfunction treatment in kenya order tadacip 20 mg, or arms; shortness cannot be used impotence blood pressure medication order 20mg tadacip, e. Calcium- The basic aim of drug treatment of angina is to reduce the work of channel blockers relieve angina mainly by causing peripheral arteri- the heart and hence its oxygen demand. Their main effect is to cause peripheral vasodilata- there is some degree of coronary artery spasm (variant angina). Reduction in the distension of the heart wall decreases should take low-dose aspirin to reduce the probability of platelet oxygen demand and the pain is quickly relieved. Glyceryl trinitrate aggregation, and statins should be considered to lower low-density given sublingually to avoid frst-pass metabolism is used to treat acute lipoprotein cholesterol. This causes platelet aggregation bined therapy is required in which β-adrenoceptor blockers (top left) and the formation of an intracoronary thrombus, which results in a or calcium-channel blockers (middle top) are taken in addition to sudden decrease in blood fow through the artery. Patches containing glycerol ducting tissues of the heart are also affected by calcium-channel block- trinitrate (transdermal administration) have a long duration of action ers, which produce a negative inotropic effect by reducing calcium (up to 24 h). However, the Long-acting nitratesare more stable and may be effective for several dihydropyridines (e. The use of isosorbide mononitrate, vascular muscle because it is relatively more depolarized than cardiac which is the main active metabolite of the dinitrate, avoids the variable muscle (membrane potential 50 mV cf. The arterial dilatation produced by the nitrates tone that causes a mild tachycardia and counteracts the mild negative causes headaches, which frequently limit the dose. Prolonged extent, diltiazem depress the sinus node, causing a mild resting high dosage may cause methaemoglobinaemia as a result of oxidation bradycardia. Smoking is prothrombotic and atherogenic; it of K-channels, causing membrane hyperpolarization that inhibits Ca reduces coronary blood fow, and the nicotine-induced rise in heart infux by switching off voltage-dependent Ca-channels. Generally in bypass operations, the distal end of the internal does not produce tolerance, presumably because the overnight rest mammary artery is inserted at a point beyond the stenosis of the allows tissue sensitivity to return by the next day. Angina is relieved or improved in 90% of is poorly understood, but depletion of sulphydryl group donors may be patients, but returns within 7 years in 50%. Mortality is decreased in involved, because tolerance to nitratesin vitrocan sometimes be reversed some pathological conditions (e. Unfortunately, β-Adrenoceptor antagonists this damages the vessel, often leading to proliferative growth of β-Blockers are used for the prophylaxis of angina. Intrinsic activity might be a disadvantage in angina, signifcantly reduced by the use of stents that elute sirolimus or pacli- and the cardioselective β-blockers such as atenolol and metoprolol taxel from a polymer–drug matrix bound to the stent (less than 10% are probably the drugs of choice. The adverse effects essential with drug-eluting stents because the endothelialization of the and contraindications of β-blockers should be reviewed (Chapters 9 stent (which prevents thrombosis) is delayed by the antiproliferative and 15). Unfortunately the ideal duration of antiplatelet therapy (aspirin Calcium-channel blockers with clopidogrel) with drug eluting stents is unkown but is probably These drugs are widely used in the treatment of angina and have fewer at least 12 months. Calcium-channel blockers inhibit Drugs used in angina 39 17 Antiarrhythmic drugs Sinus Vagal fibres Sympathetic fibres Supraventricular bradycardia adenosine I. Arrhythmias can occur in the An arrhythmia common after acute myocardial infarction is sinus apparently healthy heart, but serious ones (e. The effects of antiarrhythmic agents on the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves, respectively (upper fgure). Arrhythmias may be caused by an ectopic focus, mias, especially in patients with ischaemic heart disease. Because of the limitations and dangers of antiarrhythmic drugs, muscle fbres which, being no longer refractory, again depolarize, invasive procedures and devices are increasingly being used in serious establishing a loop of depolarization (circus movement). Cardiac action potential These actions decrease the automaticity of pacemaker cells and increase Most cardiac cells have two depolarizing currents, a fast Na+ current the effective refractory period of atrial, ventricular and Purkinje fbres. The 2 those effective in ventricular arrhythmias (bottom left); and long refractory period of cardiac fbres normally protects them from 3 those effective in both types (middle left). As relatively slowly (<5 s) and so, if the frequency is high, drug is still f b the K+ current decreases, the Na+ currents cause increasing depolariza- bound to the channel, which therefore cannot contribute to the action tion until threshold is reached and an action potential is initiated.

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Other chapters offer additional information on diuretics (see Chapter 21) erectile dysfunction kidney 20 mg tadacip fast delivery, the renin– The drugs discussed in this section produce a direct re- angiotensin system (see Chapter 18) erectile dysfunction in the young purchase tadacip on line, adrenergic recep- laxation of vascular smooth muscle and thereby their tor antagonists (see Chapter 11) impotence under hindu marriage act trusted tadacip 20 mg, and the calcium chan- actions result in vasodilation. The exact mechanisms by which diuretics lower blood The vasodilators decrease total peripheral resistance pressure are not entirely understood. Initially, diuretics and thus correct the hemodynamic abnormality that is produce a mild degree of Na depletion, which leads to responsible for the elevated blood pressure in primary a decrease in extracellular fluid volume and cardiac hypertension. The effectiveness of diuretic therapy in mild vascular smooth muscle, the vasodilators are effective in hypertension may also involve either interference with lowering blood pressure, regardless of the etiology of or blunting of cardiovascular reflexes. Unlike many other antihypertensive the details, there is general agreement that the blood agents, the vasodilators do not inhibit the activity of pressure–lowering effects of diuretics do ultimately de- the sympathetic nervous system; therefore, orthostatic pend on the production of diuresis. They can be used alone or in combi- The diagram does not show all of the possible interrela- nation with other antihypertensive agents. Approximately tionships but rather is meant to draw attention to the 30% of patients with mild hypertension may be treated most prominent reflex changes. These pathways lead ultimately to an increase in blood pressure and thus compromise the effectiveness of the vasodilators. Large large increase in cardiac output caused by the vasodila- increases in cardiac output occurring as a result of va- tors will be reduced. Propranolol also reduces plasma sodilator therapy will substantially counter the drug- renin levels, and that is an additional benefit. Increased reflex duction in Na excretion and the increase in plasma vol- sympathetic input to the heart also augments myocardial ume that occurs with vasodilator therapy can be re- oxygen demand; this is especially serious in patients with duced by concomitant treatment with a diuretic. The hyperreninemia appears to be due in Mechanism of Action part to enhanced sympathetic nervous activity. Elevated renin levels lead to an increase in the concentration of Available evidence suggests that a single unifying mech- circulating angiotensin, a potent vasoconstrictor (see anism does not exist but rather that various vasodilators Chapter 18) and thus an increase in peripheral vascular may act at different places in the series of processes that resistance. For example, the vasodilators known as cal- system inhibition produced by the vasodilators, which is cium channel antagonists block or limit the entry of cal- advantageous in some ways, can also be a disadvantage cium through voltage-dependent channels in the mem- in that reflex increases in sympathetic nerve activity will brane of vascular smooth muscle cells. In this way, the lead to hemodynamic changes that reduce the effective- calcium channel blockers limit the amount of free intra- ness of the drugs. Therefore, the vasodilators are gener- cellular calcium available to interact with smooth mus- ally inadequate as the sole therapy for hypertension. However, many of the factors that limit the usefulness Other vasodilators, such as diazoxide and minoxidil, of the vasodilators can be obviated when they are ad- cause dilation of blood vessels by activating potassium ministered in combination with a -adrenoceptor antag- channels in vascular smooth muscle. Propranolol potassium conductance results in hyperpolarization of reduces the cardiac stimulation that occurs in response the cell membrane, which will cause relaxation of vas- to increases in sympathetic nervous activity, and the cular smooth muscle. The action of the nitrovasodilators appears to creased fourfold or fivefold in patients with renal fail- be quite similar to that of the endogenous vasodilator ure. If renal failure is present, therefore, both the anti- released by a variety of stimuli from endothelial cells of hypertensive and toxic effects of hydralazine may be blood vessels. The of the enzyme N-acetyltransferase, genetically deter- knowledge that the nitrovasodilators generate nitric ox- mined differences in the activity of this enzyme in cer- ide in vivo suggests that this substance may be the final tain individuals (known as slow acetylators) will result common mediator of a number of vascular smooth mus- in higher plasma levels of hydralazine; therefore, the cle relaxants. Two of these agents, hydralazine and minoxidil, are effective Pharmacological Actions orally and are used for the chronic treatment of primary Hydralazine produces widespread but apparently not hypertension. The other two drugs, diazoxide and sodium uniform vasodilation; that is, vascular resistance is de- nitroprusside, are effective only when administered intra- creased more in cerebral, coronary, renal, and splanch- venously. However, after several days of therapy, the renal blood flow is usually no different from that before The vasodilation produced by hydralazine (Apresoline) drug use. Its the release of nitric oxide, which acts on the vascular pharmacological actions are largely confined to vascular smooth muscle to cause relaxation. In addition, hy- smooth muscle and occur predominantly on the arterial dralazine may produce vasodilation by activating K side of the circulation; venous capacitance is much less channels. Because cardiovascular reflexes and venous ca- pacitance are not affected by hydralazine, postural hy- Absorption, Metabolism, and Excretion potension is not a clinical concern.
