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By: U. Renwik, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine

Disruption of the lipid bilayer by electroporation was shown to cause the microgel particles to swell and release their drug asthma knowledge questionnaire generic 100 mcg proventil free shipping. The use of these systems in conjunction with temperature-sensitive lipids offers potential to target drugs to areas of inflammation or to achieve site-specific asthma treatment by zubaida apa purchase proventil with a visa, pulsatile drug delivery through the localized external application of ultrasound or heating to disrupt the lipid bilayers asthma definition bias cheap 100mcg proventil. This concept may be visualized by an example of an electrical stimulus-sensitive hydrogel. If it is fabricated into a porous membrane of which edges are fixed in place, the presence and removal of the stimulus would start and stop the exchange of a drug with body fluids. For example, if the implant is exposed to the stimulus, pores in the hydrogel membrane would become wide-open to turn on the chemical valve. Subsequently, the contents of the implant are discharged at the site of implantation. The removal of the stimulus turns off the valve to contract the membrane pores, thereby stopping the flow of the contents. The release of a drug from such an implant, therefore, is at the operator’s control. Such implants have potential to release a drug in a 387 pulsatile manner, according to patients’ biological needs. The focus of such research has been towards the delivery of insulin in response to changes in glucose levels. Preparation of glucose-sensitive phase-reversible hydrogels demands two fundamental requirements: glucose-specificity and reversible cross-linking (i. A highly specific interaction between glucose and concanavalin A (Con A) was used to form physical cross-links between glucose-containing polymer chains. Since Con A exists as a tetramer at physiological pH and each subunit has a glucose binding site, Con A can function as a cross-linking agent for glucose- containing polymer chains. Because of the non-covalent interaction between glucose and Con A, the formed cross-links are reversible (Figure 16. Individual free glucose molecules can compete with the polymer- attached glucose molecules. Thus, the maintenance of the cross-links depends on the relative concentration of free glucose in the environment. The gel is formed by mixing glucose-containing polymers with Con A in the absence of external glucose. In the presence of elevated glucose levels in solution, however, the gel becomes a sol (i. As the environmental glucose level decreases again, the competition of free glucose against the polymer-bound glucose decreases and thus the gel is formed again. It has been shown that diffusion of insulin is much slower in the gel state than in the sol state, and insulin release can be controlled as a function of the glucose concentration in the environment. Glucose-sensitive phase-reversible hydrogels can also be prepared without using Con A. Glucose, having pendant hydroxyl groups, competes with polyol polymers for the borate groups. Thus, as the glucose concentration increases, the cross-linking density of the gel decreases and the gel swells to release more insulin. The glucose exchange reaction is reversible, and borate-polyol cross-linking is re-formed at a lower glucose concentration. Instead of long chain polyol polymers, shorter molecules, such as diglucosylhexanediamine, can be used as a cross-linking agent. Since the phenylboronic acid gel is sensitive to glucose only at alkaline conditions (pH ≥ 9), various copolymers containing phenylboronic acid were synthesized to provide glucose sensitivity at physiological pH.


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This intensive—too intensive—use of penicillins and of other betalactams in Sweden and in the world has for decades effected a selection pressure that has caused the now very widespread betalactam resistance among pathogenic bacteria asthma symptoms heart rate purchase proventil online from canada. In an interview in the New York Times in 1945 asthmatic bronchitis airways discount 100mcg proventil with mastercard, he very farsightedly warned that overuse of penicillin could lead to the development of resistant bacteria asthma respiratory alkalosis generic 100 mcg proventil amex. In labora- tory experiments he had himself observed that bacteria grown in gradually increasing concentrations of penicillin became resis- tant to penicillin in concentrations comparable to those that could be achieved in blood serum in the antibacterial treatment of patients. In those cases at that time, resistance was caused by mutational changes in the cellular permeability for penicillin. Today, those resistance levels would be regarded as so low that they could be handled by increasing doses. Fleming particu- larly warned against penicillin that in the future could be taken per os (in 1945, acid-stable fenoxymethyl penicillin was not yet available), which would lead to self-medication with overuse as a consequence together with a following selection of resistant pathogens. This almost 70-year-old prophecy by Flem- ing was remarkably precise and has come true to a much larger extent than could be imagined at that time. As do the betalactams, glycopeptides inhibit the transpeptidation reaction (Chapter 4), which is the key reaction in establishing cell wall stability. In the presence of glycopeptides the cell wall becomes unstable, and the bacterial cells affected become prone to lysis. The two glycopeptides used clinically, vancomycin (5-1) and teichoplanin (5-2), are antibiotics in the true sense (i. Vancomycin in a soil bacterium, Streptomyces orientalis, was observed first in Borneo, but later in soil samples from many other places. Vancomycin and teichoplanin are not absorbed when given per os; they have to be administered parenterally. Their principal use is against gram-positive cocci, and they have more or less been reserved for severe infections with multiresistant pathogens, and have tended to be regarded as remedies of last resort: for example, in Antibiotics and Antibiotics Resistance, First Edition. The lack of glycopeptide absorbtion from the gastrointestinal canal can be turned into an advantage in infections caused by the toxin-producing anaerobic bacterium Clostridium difficile,which can cause life-threatening colitis infections when the normal bacterial composition in the intestine has been disturbed by antibiotic treatment. Vancomycin given in capsules works well against the often life-threatening Clostridium colitis. The glycopeptides, however, bind to the D-ala-D-ala end of the peptide, which is the substrate of the transpepti- dase reaction cross-linking the polysacharide chains of the cell wall structure (Chapter 4). The large and bulky gly- copeptide molecule bound to the two D-alanins at the peptide end inhibits the transpeptidation and, consequently, the cross- linking. The glycopeptide does not recognize its antibacterial target very well when it has changed to D-ala-D-lac (Fig. Its affinity for the changed target is, in fact, 1000-fold lower than for the normal D-ala-D-ala structure. The transpeptidation is no longer inhibited by the glycopeptide and can proceed by splitting off the lactate residue, the presence of which does not seem to interfere with the reaction, to yield a completely normal cell wall structure. The vancomycin resistance is represented by seven genes borne on a transposon (Tn1546), allowing them to transfer from bacterium to bacterium (Chapter 10). One of these is a dehydrogenase converting the common cellular metabolite pyruvate to D-lactate. Another enzyme synthesizes D-ala-D-lac, which instead of the normal dipeptide D-ala-D-ala, becomes incorporated at the end of the cross-linking peptide to destroy the binding capacity of the growth-inhibiting vancomycin.
