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By: M. Domenik, M.A.S., M.D.

Assistant Professor, University of Vermont College of Medicine

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It assumed that transactions between consumers hair loss in young males discount dutas 0.5 mg amex, health insurers hair loss due to stress buy dutas with american express, and providers would eventually be in electronic form (although not hair loss post pregnancy generic 0.5 mg dutas with amex, given when the law was drafted, through the Internet). As discussed earlier, the health system is tremendously frag- mented among health plans, among healthcare providers, and between the two factions. These standards apply to all healthcare transactions, not merely those of the federal Medicare program. Federal rules standardized electronic transactions in banking, creating universal coding and routing conventions that permit wire transfers between banks (the machine-readable codes on the bottom of checks). However, health payment transactions are logarithmically more complex than banking transactions. Administrative simplification will even- tually save billions of dollars in reduced clerical costs and delays in payment. It will do this by making it easier to substitute in- stantaneous electronic communication for paper and telephone communication. It set federal standards governing the privacy and security of personal medical information. It required providers, health insurers, and their busi- ness partners to establish stringent privacy protections for personal health information. The law also required healthcare providers to use encryption technology to protect any confidential medical in- formation transmitted electronically. The following sections discuss issues that triggered reactions to the legislation from various players involved. Furthermore, the law required specific written authorization by consumers for use of their personal health information for any pur- pose other than “treatment, payment or routine healthcare oper- ations. The cost implications were not fully understood until almost three years after the legislation was passed. Furthermore, Medicare outlays for services to the elderly had not risen in the four years from 1997 to 2000, despite rising wages, expensive new drugs and technology, and increasing numbers of elderly people. This personal identifier would be attached to every person’s medical records, replacing the ubiquitous and inappropri- ately used social security number. This single health identifier would enable all of a person’s medical records from different providers to be aggregated more easily into a single record. Civil libertarians lacked confidence in the privacy and confidentiality provisions in the law and believed that the easier it is to aggregate health information, the easier it is for employers or insurers to abuse employees’ rights. Genetic testing will exquisitely personalize medical treatment and identify our vulnerability to various treatment options. Even- tually, genetic prediction will permit an increasingly fine-grained assessment of inherited disease risk and enable an entirely new mis- sion of the health system—predicting and managing disease risk in advance of illness. Without strin- gent protections, this information could be used to deny consumers Health Policy Issues Raised by Information Technology 159 insurance coverage and compromise their access to care. After all, in a genetic world, most major illness will stem from a “pre-existing condition,” since they will be determined to flow, albeit in a mys- terious way, from specific, identifiable genetic abnormalities. Insurers have historically attempted to limit their exposure to conditions that predate an employee’s entry into their insurance risk pool. They know that consumers make very intelligent short- run decisions to obtain coverage for anticipated medical conditions. People anticipating having a baby or an elective surgical procedure will often opt for higher levels of coverage (and lower levels of personal cost exposure) for those conditions by changing health plans.

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