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By: V. Folleck, M.B.A., M.D.

Associate Professor, Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California

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PROPERTIES OF THREE HISTAMINE RECEPTOR SUBTYPES H1 H2 H3 Coding sequence 491 a heart attack would feel like a heart attack discount avalide generic. Amino acid sequence homology between Biochemical and localization studies of the H1 receptor were the TMs of the H1 and those of the muscarinic receptors made feasible with the design of reversible and irreversible (approximately 45%) is higher than between those of H1 radiolabeled probes such as [3H] mepyramine arrhythmia atrial tachycardia order online avalide, [125I]iodo- and H receptors (approximately 40%) hypertension with stage v renal disease buy 162.5mg avalide. H -receptor antag- 2 1 bolpyramine, and [125I]iodoazidophenpyramine (19,20). The structure of the human gene was accumulation in whole cells and arachidonic acid release disclosed (23). The latter was based on the detection of a Ca2 - When stably expressed in transfected fibroblasts, the dependent Cl influx into microinjected Xenopus oocytes. H1 Starting from the bovine sequence, the H1 receptor DNA receptor stimulation potentiates cAMP accumulation in- was also cloned in the guinea pig (22), a species in which duced by forskolin in the same transfected fibroblasts, a the pharmacology of the receptor is better established, as response that resembles the H1 potentiation of histamine well as from several other species including humans (1). H2- or adenosine A2-receptor–induced accumulation of Although marked species differences in H1-receptor phar- cAMP in brain slices. All these responses mediated by a macology had been reported (2), the sequence homology single H1 receptor were known to occur in distinct cell lines between the putative TMs of the proteins is high (90%). Several H1-receptor antagonists behaved as inverse ductance, presumably by cAMP production (26). A reduction of a background leakage K lasting effects, histamine also induces very long-lasting in- current was implicated in these responses, in cortical, stria- creases in excitability in the CA1 region of the hippocampus tal, and lateral geniculate relay neurons (27,28). This tablished autoradiographically using [3H]mepyramine or process is modulated by other receptors such as the H re- 1 the more sensitive probe [125I]iodobolpyramine (20), and ceptor (35). For instance, the high density of H1 the brain is zolantidine, a compound used sometimes in receptors in the molecular layers of cerebellum and hippo- animal behavioral studies but not introduced in therapeutics campus seems to correspond to dendrites of Purkinje and (36). However, some tricyclic antidepressants are known pyramidal cells, respectively, in which the mRNA is highly to block H2-receptor–linked adenylyl cyclase potently and expressed. H receptors are also abundant in guinea pig interact with [125I]iodoaminopotentidine binding in a com- 1 thalamus, hypothalamic nuclei (e. The H2 receptor is found in most areas visualized in the primate and human brain in vivo by posi- of the cerebral cortex, with the highest density in the superfi- tron emission tomography using [11C]mepyramine (30). The caudate putamen, the volved in wakefulness and cognition, and including those ventral striatal complex, and the amygdaloid nuclei (bed mediating excitation of thalamic relay neurons (31), neo- nucleus of the stria terminalis) are among the richest brain cortical pyramidal neurons (28) and ascending cholinergic areas. The partial overlap with the H1 receptor may ac- largely unknown for a long time. Reversible labeling of the 3 count for their synergistic interaction in cAMP accumula- H2 receptor was achieved using [ H]tiotidine or, more relia- 125 tion. By screening cDNA or genomic libraries with homolo- gous probes, the intronless gene encoding the H2 receptor HistamineH3 Receptor was first identified in dogs (34) and, subsequently, in other species including humans (1). The H2 receptor is organized The H3 receptor was initially detected as an autoreceptor like other receptors positively coupled to adenylyl cyclase: controlling histamine synthesis and release in brain. There- it displays a short third intracellular loop and a long C- after, it was shown to inhibit presynaptically the release of terminal cytoplasmic tail. Hence H receptor mine (2), then [3H]N -methylhistamine, a less selective ag- 2 stimulation can trigger intracellular signals either opposite onist, was also proposed (19), as well as, more recently, or similar to those evoked by H receptor stimulation. Paral- [125I]iodophenpropit and [125I]iodoproxyfan, two antago- 1 lel observations were made for a variety of biological re- nists (41). The regulation of agonist binding by guanylnucleotides Helmut Haas and colleagues showed that, in hippocam- (39), and the sensitivity of several H3-receptor–mediated Chapter 14: Histamine 183 responses to pertussis toxin (42,43), suggested that the H3 Interaction with NMDA Receptors receptor was G /Gi o protein coupled, a suggestion confirmed Histamine potentiates NMDA-evoked currents in acutely by the cloning of the corresponding human (44) and rodent dissociated and cultured hippocampal and cortical neurons, (45) cDNAs. The H3 receptor gene contains two introns an effect that could not be ascribed to activation of the in its coding sequence and several splice variants H3L and known histamine receptors (17,18), but rather of a novel H3S differing by a stretch of 30 amino acids in the third recognition site on NMDA receptors containing the sub- intracellular loop, were identified (45).

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