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By: M. Asaru, MD

Co-Director, University of South Alabama College of Medicine

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Discredited methods (i) There is now substantial evidence against the Resume´ ´ viewthatcomparisonsoftheHreflexandtendonjerk can be used to provide a reliable measure of fusimo- Background from animal experiments tor activity. While the tendon jerk and the H reflex are both dependent on the monosynaptic excitation the number of spindles in different muscles varies fromhomonymousIaafferents,theHreflexbypasses from <50 for intrinsic muscles of the hand to >1000 the muscle spindle while the tendon jerk does not. Muscle spindles contain modified respects that comparison of them as a measure of muscle fibres (intrafusal fibres). There are two types of sensory endings: anaesthetic through perineural and fascicular tis- s primary endings wrap around both the bag and sues results in non-selective effects because of chain fibres, and are sensitive to both the static and involvement of closer rather than smaller axons. The primary end- Acceptable methods ing gives rise to a single large group Ia afferent, while the secondary endings give rise to several group II (i) Microneurography is the most reliable tech- afferentaxonsperspindle. Thepropertiesofthebag2 nique for determining the level of fusimotor activity. The fusimotor-induced withinanappropriatefascicle,tappingontheappro- enhancementoftherestingdynamicresponsiveness priate muscle tendon will activate mechanorecep- depends on activation of bag1 fibre. The static and tors, and auditory feedback is then used to make fur- dynamic sensitivity of muscle spindle primary end- ther small adjustments of the electrode to bring the ings can be controlled independently by s and d, desired neural activity into focus. There are different supraspinal projec- tify spindle endings and Golgi tendon organs tions onto and motoneurones, but there are also include the response to a twitch contraction of the Resume´ ´ 143 receptor-bearing muscle, the presence or absence Studies of intrafusal thixotropy of background activity, the regularity of any back- These studies can allow stronger contractions to ground discharge, behaviour during voluntary be assessed and can be of value in patients for contractions and on abrupt relaxation, and the assessing fusimotor activity. There is a bias nique is indirect, and a complicating factor is that inmicroneurographicrecordingstowardsaxonsthat extrafusal muscle fibres also display thixotropic are large and have a background discharge. EMG electrodes and force and length Organisation and pattern of connections transducers must be used to be certain that the receptor-bearing muscle is truly relaxed when seek- Background fusimotor drive ing evidence for selective activation of motoneu- rones. Human spindle endings behave as if passive recep- (ii) Studies that exploit the thixotropic properties tors without static fusimotor drive in the relaxed of intrafusal fibres. These changes may persist long smallerthaninthecat,andtheregularityofdischarge after the contraction and are due to the thixotropic is similar to that of de-efferented feline endings. In properties of the intrafusal fibres that contracted addition, de-efferenting spindles does not alter the under drive during the voluntary contraction. This suggests a very low behaviourcanbeexploitedtostudyfusimotoraction level of drive, insufficient to affect spindle dis- in human subjects indirectly. In addition, the responses to mus- erties of intrafusal muscle fibres can distort spindle cle stretch or to tendon percussion do not change discharge and must be considered when interpret- in relaxed muscle when subjects perform reinforce- ing unexpected changes in spindle discharge, reflex ment manoeuvres, are provided with alerting stim- behaviour or perception. Critique of the tests to study fusimotor drive Microneurography Effects of cutaneous afferents on fusimotor neurones Conclusions about fusimotor activity from record- ings of muscle spindle discharge are valid only Evidenceforreflexactivationof motoneuroneshas if all disturbances to the spindle are rigidly con- been found for human lower limb muscles, but only trolled, and this is rarely possible in human subjects; when subjects were standing without support. In the relaxed forearm extensor muscles, alargersample;themovementrepertoirethatcanbe such reflexes may be active even at rest. There may studied is quite limited; the technique is traumatic be some background d drive to the resting forearm and technically demanding. However, an effective discharge cannot be gener- ated without discharging motoneurones and pro- Effects of voluntary effort on fusimotor drive ducing EMG activity in the test muscle. This afferent inflow has an overall When applied transversely to a muscle tendon of an autogenetic excitatory effect at spinal level and con- intact subject, vibration is usually not selective for tributestomaintainingthefiringof motoneurones.

The whole thing becomes self-fulfilling as those with high scores attract the best pieces muscle relaxant triazolam purchase urispas with a mastercard, and those with a lower index start to struggle spasms after gallbladder surgery buy urispas 200mg visa. As for writers 2410 muscle relaxant discount urispas 200 mg amex, impact factors have encouraged them to choose publications on the basis of the points they are likely to get rather than because of the audience they would like to reach. It encourages them – and their co-authors – to hold out for a high impact journal, even though any rational view would tell them that the work in hand is simply not appropriate (see Icarus fallacy). Some departments now send their article routinely to the higher impact journals, rational- izing it by saying that at least they will get a high quality review. IMRAD structure the model was originally proposed by the British scientist Bradford Hill, and the idea was to help writers by using a simple four-part structure. This section usually consists of about six to seven paragraphs, though journals concentrating on pure research may often take longer. The descriptions should be full enough to allow someone else to replicate what you did. Sometimes there may be as many as seven to eight paragraphs, each dealing with a particular aspect. However, while IMRAD is a useful structure for authors to follow, it is not reader-friendly. The main message is at the end (if at all) which is not a logical place to put it. However, the last two or three genera- tions of scientists have become used to it, and therefore if you want to communicate with them then you must conform to that structure. Under no circumstances, however, should you use this structure for anything other than original scientific papers, and perhaps some papers for other professionals who are somehow expecting that you write this way. The trouble is that they end up writing to please themselves, not the reader (see false feedback loop). Instructions to Authors Most academic journals publish a wide range of specific rules on what contributions they seek and how they wish to have them presented (see style guide). Most of them go into considerable detail, with instructions on the size of paper, how to lay out the first page, copy- right and reprints, and the number and style of references. Such differences, although subtle, can give useful information to those planning where they should target their paper. This should not be a problem if you make sure that you do not write a paper without first deciding where you wish it to be published (see brief setting); indeed the instructions should make things clearer and easier. One warning, however: when it comes to working out the precise market requirements of a journal, the Instructions to Authors are only one part of the picture. There are many aspects of a paper, such as the way in which the title is written, or the favoured style, that can be discovered only by careful analysis of the papers published in your target journal (see evidence-based writing). Interviewing the ability to carry out a good interview gives writers a valuable tool. It enables them to gather information quickly from those who have expertise in a given area, and in a language that, because it is informal and spoken, is more likely to pass the pub test and be accessible to the target readers. The quality of an interview, however, depends on how well you have chosen the person to be interviewed. Watch for biases and hidden agendas – and if possible balance one expert with another. Once you have found your interviewee, the following step-by-step plan should be helpful: • Be absolutely clear before you start what you want to achieve. There are, broadly speaking, three reasons for an interview: (1) to get facts and information; (2) to add opinion or description to facts that you already have, and (3) to provide information for a profile of the interviewee. Use a technique such as branching to work out the information you need, and use this to construct a checklist of questions.

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Geometric mean values spasms quadriplegic urispas 200mg cheap, expressed as percent increase from the baseline measurement muscle relaxant gel buy urispas without prescription, of FEV1 measurements over 12 hours for individual treatments RESPIRATORY 383 area all the way down to zero muscle relaxant spray purchase 200mg urispas mastercard. To do this, we fit (weighted linear could integrate over the baseline measurement, regression to keep track of the uncertainties of but then the area could be negative and we would the means31) a straight line to drug A means be forced to do the final analysis on the original vs. As a consequence we find that 24 µgofdrugA as a single dose has + period + ln(FEV1,base) greater bronchodilating effect over 12 hours than 50 µgofdrugB. A more statistically we get a reasonable compromise between these sound approach would be to rephrase the two extremes. To find this out we compare them, from highest to lowest dose, with placebo. Mean 95% Confidence Here is the result in tabular form: Treatment ratio limits 24 µgofdrugA 1. We see that treatments clearly have a duration in excess the mean effect is 15–21% larger than it of 12 hours. So we can claim that 6 µg is an effective dose of drug A, without Effects of anti-asthma drugs are in general not compromising the significance level (see the confined to the lungs. Since the drugs are cleared through the effect as the reference treatment, 50 µgof bloodstream they will therefore have systemic 384 TEXTBOOK OF CLINICAL TRIALS 2. Treatment mean values for 12-hour average FEV1 with fitted log-linear dose–response curve for drug A and estimation of Deq relative to 50 µgofdrugB effects (albeit perhaps not measurable). In con- With this model in mind we can use cortisol trast to the anti-asthmatic effects, these effects in plasma as an index of the systemic burden can be measured both in healthy volunteers and of therapeutically given GCS. We can however not we can compare the pharmacodynamic systemic measure it timepoint by timepoint and compare effects of different GCSs by comparing their to measurements without drug, since the level effects on endogenous cortisol levels. This has the of cortisol is determined as a balance between added advantage over drug plasma concentrations production and elimination (with a half-life of that it accounts for differences in potency in about 1. We therefore need to study a done by negative feedback on the HPA axis). The cortisol levels in plasma have It is important to state at this point that we a diurnal rhythm which is very pronounced, so do not study endogenous cortisol levels because the most appropriate study to do is to give they themselves represent a dangerous side- repeated doses of the GCS until a new steady effect. The most useful variable to study is RESPIRATORY 385 the area under the curve for those 24 hours. In steady state, when there is a 24-hour periodicity, Mean 95% Confidence Treatment ratio (%) limits p this is proportional to the amount produced during 24 hours. This result does not tell much about how the Example: Comparison of Plasma Cortisol drugs compare. To do that we can fit parallel Dose–Response Curves non-linear dose–response curves to the mean effect data, adjusting for precision by using a We want to compare two inhaled steroids (with weighted non-linear regression. Each treatment period obtain that the relative dose potency is estimated consists of 4 days, and there was a washout to be 3. Each steroid was given in estimated to be about four times more potent than three doses: 200, 400 and 1000 µg b. Or put in other words: to achieve the Blood samples were measured every second hour same average depression in cortisol, we can use during the last 24 hours in each treatment period a four times larger dose of A than of B. The effect of the fact that the study is open We cannot extrapolate these results to patients is hard to assess. There is a basic difference between a of the drugs is associated with more stress than healthy volunteer and an asthmatic – the latter the administration of the other, this might bias has an ongoing inflammatory process. However, this seems unlikely, and that the dynamic system regulating cortisol is doing the study open has the benefit that fewer disturbed (compared to healthy) and we can inhalations are required on each occasion. So a typical patient might have a It is done on the logarithm of the concentrations larger ED50 than a typical healthy volunteer.

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