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By: P. Kurt, MD

Clinical Director, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine

The appearance of an extra lumbar vertebral body anterior spinal column consists of the block portion of the • The presence of thoracic costal facets on the seventh cer- vertebral bodies separated by the intervertebral discs vical vertebral body giving the appearance of an extra (Fig 2 medications that help control bleeding discount 5mg kemadrin otc. The posterior elements create the posterior neural thoracic segment arch and are comprised of bilateral laminae medications side effects prescription drugs generic kemadrin 5 mg free shipping, pars interarticu- laris treatment tendonitis kemadrin 5mg low price, paired zygapophysial (facet) joints, and midline spi- Consistent numbering of vertebral levels is of crucial nous processes (Fig. The bilateral pedicles connect the importance when diagnostic procedures such as discography laminae to the vertebral body and thereby bridge the anterior or selective nerve root blocks are being used to guide surgi- spinal column with the posterior elements. An accurate determination of the precise number a lumbar vertebra showing the relationship of the vertebral of vertebral bodies can be determined by counting down body to the posterior elements. The spinal cord gives rise to paired nerve roots at formed at the correct spinal level. A spinal segment through the pedicles into the anterior column in front and the is technically considered to be the region of the spinal cord 7 Anatomy of the Spine for the Interventionalist 67 Spinal cord Pia mater Subarachnoid space Anterior internal vertebral venous plexus Arachnoid mater Dura mater Posterior longitudinal ligament Position of spinal ganglion Posterior ramus Extradural space Anterior ramus Extradural fat Vertebral body Transverse Intervertebral disc process Spinous process Fig. All rights reserved) associated with the emergence of one pair of spinal nerve the inferior surface of the vertebral body above and the supe- roots, although there is no visible surface segmentation of rior surface of the vertebral body below. The spinal cord ends at approximately L1/L2, giv- symphysial in nature and shares similarities with the ing rise at this level to the cauda equina or “horse’s tail,” manubrial-sternal joints and the symphysis pubis. The spinal motion segment can be considered a allows for summation of small movements between the indi- “three-joint complex” comprised of the paired, posterior vidual vertebrae to produce a large degree of potential move- zygapophysial joints interacting with the broad anterior ment for the vertebral column as a whole and makes possible intervertebral disc joint. The intervertebral disc joint is com- complex spinal motion incorporating various components of prised of the intervertebral disc along with its connections to fexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. The region labeled “L5 spinous process” is relatively dark gray The image appearing on the fuoroscopic monitor is a com- because it is a composite image of the bony spinous process posite representation of the overlapping tissue densities that superimposed on the bone of the L5 vertebral body lying lie between the x-ray tube and the image intensifer. The L4 spinous process, which lies directly higher-density regions appear darker on the fuoroscopy cephalad, appears as lighter gray because it is a composite screen, the relatively dense bones of the spine are visible as image of the L4 spinous process superimposed over the L4/ dark structures contrasted against the lighter appearance of L5 intervertebral disc (a soft tissue density structure) lying soft tissue, and it is the bony skeleton that provides the com- ventral in the path of the fuoroscopic beam. For example, the ped- resents a path in which there is an absence of bony elements icle is visible on the monitor as a darker circle of bone den- between the x-ray tube and the image intensifer. A penetrat- sity contrasted against the lighter appearance of the adjacent ing needle traveling through this window “down the fuoros- vertebral body and lamina. The image of the pedicle visible copy beam” would pass frst through posterior spinal on the monitor is actually a composite image of the overlying ligaments; then traverse through the epidural space, the intra- dorsal soft tissues and lamina as well as the ventral vertebral thecal space, and the intervertebral disc; and, if pushed fur- body and abdominal contents all superimposed onto the ther, enter the retroperitoneum and abdominal cavity without cylindrical bony column that is the pedicle. It is important to understand that the pedicle is not visible The ability to mentally convert a two-dimensional fuo- to the naked eye examining a spinal model using the same roscopic image into a three-dimensional construct is an posterior-anterior view as the fuoroscope. The naked eye important acquired skill for the spinal interventionalist and can only see surface anatomy but cannot “see through” requires a comprehensive understanding of gross spinal opaque structures to visualize the interior spinal anatomy. In anatomy, as well as experience viewing this anatomy with contrast, fuoroscopic examination of the spine provides a the fuoroscope. It is imperative therefore that the inter- two-dimensional composite image of both external and inter- ventional pain physician becomes thoroughly familiar nal spinal structures superimposed upon each other. The with the bony elements of the spine and their relationship experienced fuoroscopist will use this two-dimensional fu- to the peri-spinal soft tissues in order to accurately inter- oroscopic image to create, in the mind’s eye, a three- pret the images of variable density visible on the fuoros- dimensional image of the actual spinal structures. The prototypical vertebra is composed of an anterior cylin- The relatively thick pedicles are pillars of bone that proj- drical block of bone called the vertebral body. This vertebral ect dorsally off each side of the vertebral body and connect body is connected to the posterior neural arch by the pedi- the vertebral body to the posterior neural arch. The vertebral body proper is composed of internal tra- are important landmarks for needle placement since nerve becular bone containing red bone marrow surrounded by an roots at each segmental level exit just beneath each pedicle. The pedicle and its relationship to the nerve root are foor of the vertebral body are surrounded by a slightly ele- illustrated in Fig. The articular processes (superior and inferior) also project from the junction between the pedicle and lamina and connect with the articular processes of the adjacent vertebral bodies to form the zygapophysial joints. The pars interarticu- laris is the thicker portion of lamina which connects the superior and inferior articular processes of a single vertebral body together.

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To calculate this ratio symptoms testicular cancer buy kemadrin with american express, the horizontal thoracic diameter is measured along the inner margins of the ribs at the level of the dome of the right hemidiaphragm medicine measurements buy generic kemadrin on-line, and the cardiac diameter is calculated as the sum of the most rightward and the most leftward diameters of the heart from the midline medicine used to treat bv cost of kemadrin. Normally the heart projects over the spine, with about one quarter of its diameter projecting to the right of the midline and three quarters to the left of the midline. The cardiac apex is normally directed to the left, located adjacent 6 to the diaphragm (see eFig. Because the cardiac silhouette represents a summation of the heart and surrounding structures, the heart size can erroneously appear enlarged when abundant mediastinal fat and prominent pericardial fat pad or 7 a large pericardial effusion are present. A truly decreased heart size occurs when the patient is hypovolemic, as in Addison disease or chronic malnourishment (eFig. Skeletal abnormalities such as pectus excavatum and scoliosis of the thoracic spine can alter the rotation of the heart and make it appear enlarged on a frontal radiograph. A, Patient with Noonan syndrome and spontaneously healed ventriculoseptal defect presents with scoliosis and severe pectus excavatum deformity. The very short distance between the sternum and the spine causes a leftward rotation and displacement of the heart into the left hemithorax defect (A, B). C, Patient with tetralogy of Fallot who had a Blalock-Taussig shunt in childhood presents with unilateral inferior rib notching (arrowheads). The left fourth and fifth ribs are fused due to lateral thoracotomy in early childhood. Surgical clips above the expected location of the main pulmonary artery (white arrow) is related to previous Blalock- Taussig shunt, which before definitive repair provided blood flow from the left subclavian artery to the left pulmonary artery (C, D). The left lateral wall of the descending aorta creates a vertical line projecting lateral to the spine superiorly and over the spine inferiorly as the aorta descends to the diaphragm. The right wall of the aorta is not visible because there is no interface between it and the right lung. Care should be taken not to confuse the azygoesophageal recess for the right aortic border (Fig. On the lateral view the normal right ventricle should be flush with about one third of the lower sternum. The posterior cardiac border consists of the left atrium superiorly and the left ventricle inferiorly. The right and left inferior pulmonary veins 9 appear as branching, elongated densities posterior to the heart and inferior to the hila (Fig. The aorta normally increases in size with age, and the great arterial branches off the aortic arch become more tortuous, creating a widened superior mediastinum. The right and left lungs should be symmetric 10 in size and pulmonary vascular markings. Approach to Evaluation of a Chest Radiograph A well-developed approach to the chest radiograph takes years to develop and is beyond the scope of this chapter. Each interpreter must develop a consistent approach that carefully looks at the bones, lungs (with 11 attention for pleural abnormalities), vasculature, and heart. Prior radiographs should be reviewed routinely because many abnormalities are put into appropriate perspective by determining whether they are new or old and the rate of change. For example, new enlargement of the aortic arch may be seen in the setting of aortic dissection, whereas chronic mediastinal widening is more likely to be related to a congenital variant such as a double aortic arch. The final step in image interpretation relies on the generation of a differential diagnosis based on the constellation of 12 findings and an appropriate clinical history. Diseases Affecting Heart Size and Morphology When the cardiac silhouette is enlarged, it is most often related to biventricular failure, with no definable individual chamber enlargement. In valvular disease and many types of congenital heart disease, however, individual chamber enlargement develops, identification of which is central to diagnosis.

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