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By: J. Charles, M.A.S., M.D.

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J Intern Med became intrigued about the origin and nature of a “halolike” disturbance that could 204 205 occasionally be seen around lung malignancies on routne X-rays allergy medicine without antihistamine cheap deltasone 10 mg otc. None of his radiological colleagues could ofer an explanaton for this curious phenomenon allergy testing newborn buy discount deltasone online, not did it elicit much interest allergy july order deltasone online, let alone astonishment. Most considered it to be an artfact, but Nordenström thought it might represent some sort of energy disturbance that could provide an important clue about the nature of malignancy. As one reviewer commented: “If he is right, he has made He published a few papers confrming that the electrical characteristcs of lung cancers difered the most profound biomedical discovery of the century. Undaunted, be contnued his research, which why this new book, which details his subsequent studies and speculatons, strongly supports this eventually led him to the conclusion that the body had an additonal communicaton or circulatory prophecy. In 1979, be began writng a book enttled Biologically Closed Good health depends on the ability to maintain all body functons within normal limits whenever Electrical Circuits to explain this. The fnal product was a large, handsome volume of over this state is threatened by stress or any demand for change. This axiom was frst enunciated by 350 pages, replete with elaborate art work, diagrams, x-rays, and reproductons of gross and the 19th Century physiologist Claude Bernard, who described it as preserving the stability of the microscopic pathology, many of which were in color. His concepton of this “internal environment” was limited to the rudimentary were not very interested in this, probably because they thought it would not be proftable, and informaton available at the tme about the chemical compositon and physical propertes of they were correct. Nordenström had to raise $50,000 to fnally publish it himself in 1983, and of body fuids, cells, tssues, organs, and systems. However, be correctly predicted that “all the vital the 2 000 copies printed, only 200 were sold. Walter Cannon later referred to this as “the steady state”, and called the power to maintain background in mathematcs, physics, biochemistry, physiology, pathology, and imaging techniques it homeostasis, from the Greek homios, like, similar, and stasis, positon, status. The lack of an advertsing budget and the price of $135 subsequently been extended to include all biological systems, ranging from the cell to any form of needed to defray part of the publishing costs were other deterrents. Judah Folkman, the renowned cancer researcher, described it as having extraordinary “fght or fight” actvites. He emphasized the premiere role of stmulaton of the sympathetc 206 207 chemical/molecular level that is based on Newtonian physics and laws of thermodynamics that do not explain how feeble electromagnetc forces can produce powerful psychophysiologic efects, or what governs the contnual fux of diferent ions across cell membranes. The speed, versatlity, and integraton of all these actvites suggests the existence of the biologic equivalent of electrical systems composed of electrodes, switches, amplifers, resistors, and capacitors, that can store and regulate energy fow. In this ofering, be demonstrates that there are numerous circuits ranging in size from meters to microns that utlize both ionic and electronic electricity, and produce electromagnetc felds with varying frequencies, amplitudes, and wave lengths. He further explains how an understanding of this can enable us to treat cancer and possibly other disorders due to disturbances in electrical homeostasis. Life on earth evolved under constant geomagnetc infuences, so it should not be surprising that all living cells, tssues, and organs are sensitve, ”electromagnetc system” with specifc electrical or magnetc resonance characteristcs. Robert Becker has shown that our bodies exhibit a positve polarity along the central axis and a negatve polarity in peripheral structures. He has also demonstrated that this polarity is reversed in hypnosis and anesthesia, as well as following an injury which creates a positve potental at the site of trauma. Becker believes that this reversal of polarity generates a micro current of injury which is conducted through Schwann and glial cell sheaths surrounding neurons, that act to initate repair and regeneratve processes. Nordenström has proposed that there is a local buildup of positvely charged ions following injury that creates an electrical voltage potental between opposite ions that are separated. Much as occurs in a batery, this energy can be tapped once circuit is closed to permit the fow of electricity between these charged areas.

High doses of fsh oil have caused brain hemorrhages in some people when combined with other The herb has a long history of safety but it is recommended to screen for liver disease before using supplements or medicatons that interfere with blood clotng allergy report oklahoma generic deltasone 40mg with amex. Long medicatons term use in normal animals may result in depressed liver functon unless chronic liver disease is Vitamins and Minerals present allergy medicine by kirkland generic 5mg deltasone mastercard. When given as combinaton animal (not people) products allergy shots for dust mites generic deltasone 10mg on line, most of these supplements should be 82 83 safe. Individual vitamins, especially when used in high doses, act like drugs and can be dangerous and should only be used under veterinary supervision. Probiotcs Probiotcs are used to help pets with gastrointestnal problems and are safe when used as directed. Enzymes Enzymes are among the safest supplements, although one of my own patents has experienced seizures as an idiosyncratc reacton to one partcular product. Green Foods These supplements, typical grasses like barley grass, wheat grass, algae, or spirulina are usually safe when used as directed. Flowers tubular and fragrant, white to purpish orange, in clusters on the same stalk. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow Shih-chun-tzu Graphic/photo Fruits measuring 35-40 mm (upper and lower rows); seeds (middle row) shaped like the fruit- Other scientfc names Common names shell, measuring 12-15 mm. Flower Extract: Flower extract yielded high polyphenol contents and showed a strong antoxidant acitvity. A triple-strength walnut formula which boosts the propertes of formula #825 VermXpel in more chronic conditons. Contains Green hust of black walnut, Aloe vera gel, carrageen sea herb, Paulowina leaf, Prickley ash berry, Cayenne pod, Vitamin E. This preparaton is not a cure nor a substtute for orthodox medical atenton and treatment. Avoid exposure by not going Worms barefoot, use light sandles, wash foods well, eat at reliable clean Vitaklenz is a blend of herbs traditonally used to control restaurants not street markets, parasites. The double acton of this powerful formula but stll exposure is likely assists the eliminaton of parasites and candida infestaton. Ginger, Parasite cleanse Vitaklenz contains only natural mustard, cayenne, wormseed, ingredients wormwood, garlic, clove, black walnut, comfrey, green tea, tea Vitaklenz herbal tablets contains: Cloves; Wormwood; Black Walnut Green Hulls Pumpkin Seed; tree oil. Milk Thistle; Olive Leaf; Pau d’Arco; Gentan; Echinacea; Barberry; Garlic; Thyme - all natural 3. Papaya and pineapple have Parasites & Worms enzymes that can weaken and Parasites can rob your system of nutriton, loading it down with the parasite’s excretons and destroy parasites, use the fresh secretons. People with worm infectons may feel bloated, tred, hungry, allergies, asthma, ant-parasite efects, but the gas, digestve disorders, unclear thinking or feel toxic. Damage and symptoms will vary on the citrus have the most, grate up type of parasite infecton. Some of the common ones are tapeworm, round worm, pin worm, the skins of grapefruit, orange, hookworm, and the single cell parasites; amoebae, protozoa infectons, neospora, Toxoplasmosis, luime, or their oil. Once a year you and your family should do a parasite cleanse week, use teas 3x a day, juices microscopic in size while others can be seen quite easily. Parasite is an organism that lives on or in other organisms from which it obtains nutrients to Use the Desiré ant-parasite soup once a day for three days: live and causes harm in the process. People with intestnal parasite infectons are usually under- • chop up 3 onions, 3 tomatoes, 10 cloves of garlic; cloves; wormwood, black walnut, green nourished and weak, infected with viral, fungal, or bacteria, and have various types of chemical hulls pumpkin seed; milk thistle; olive leaf; pau d’arco; gentan; echinacea; barberry; garlic, and metal poisoning. They thyme, skins of citrus are responsible for many health problems because they secrete toxins and steal the vital nutrients • simmer at low temp for 3 hours from our bodies. Everyone • lots of water, exercise, mediaton, and enemas if ther is no stool forth coming is at risk and under their mercy during parasitc infectons.

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It calms Diarrhea and vomitng associated with indigeston allergy medicine without antihistamine order cheap deltasone, stmulates poor appette and alleviates fullness and distension of the abdomen allergy medicine coughing order cheap deltasone online. As a mild diaphoretc allergy treatment with drops buy 40 mg deltasone otc, Magnolia Bark is said to increase perspiraton and sweatng and thus reduce fevers and cool the body. It has been historically used in cases of malarial fevers and fevers of a typhoid type. Magnolia Bark is believed to have antseptc, antbacterial, antfungal, antspasmodic, expectorant and ant-infammatory propertes. As such, the bark is thought to relieve the pain and infammaton of rheumatsm and Gout, counteract yeast infectons (such as leukorrhea) and combat upper respiratory tract infectons and spasms, including Asthma, coughs, profuse phlegm in the lungs, shortness of breath and fullness and pressure in the chest area. In the fght against obesity and weight management, Magnolia Bark has recently been recognized In Chinese medicine Magnolia Bark has been associated with the stomach, lungs, spleen and large as an efcient fat burner. It is said that the magnolol and honokiol in the herb efectvely inhibit intestne for over two thousand years and has been used to treat abdominal Bloatng, gas, Nausea, the body’s producton of cortsol, the substance that liberates fat from adipose cells and thus Diarrhea, menstrual cramps and indigeston. Recent studies have found that the herb inhibits the suppresses fat storage, partcularly in the abdominal and belly area. Magnolia is also said to act producton of cortsol (the substance that encourages fat storage) and may be efectve in weight as a mild laxatve. Magnolia Bark itself has been chewed as a substtute for tobacco and is said to “cure the habit. Citrus trifolata : young orange arborescent stem, with squarrose, spinescent branches, a very pale-gray bark, and a yellowish- white wood. Its leaves are ternate, on short petoles; leafets obovate, obtuse, somewhat tooth- leted at the apex, the lateral smooth. The fruit is ovate, smooth, brown, somewhat larger than a pea, surrounded at base by a 4-toothed calyx, and supported on a very short stalk (Nees—De Candolle). Aconie Aconitum carmichaeli - Carmichael’s aconite; Carmichael’s monkshood Botanical Informaton: • Genus: Aconitum • Family: Ranunculaceae • Author: Debeaux • Synonyms: A carmichaeli wilsonii; Aconitum fscheri Remarks: Monkshood blooms in October here in zone 8, a beautful blue and very welcome at the back of those shady corners. Ephedra Biological Name: Ephedra sinica, Ephedra intermedia, Ephedra equisetna, Ephedra distacha, Lymph or breat cancer formula Ephedra trifurca Other Names: Mahuang, Ma Huang, desert tea, Mormon 1. Myrrha tea, American ephedra, Chinese ephedra, European ephedra, Pakistani ephedra, Ephedra Preparatons: Black Powder - Tincture of Myrrh - Compound Tincture of Actve Compounds: Myrrh - Tincture of Aloes and Myrrh Ephedra’s actve medicinal ingredients are the alkaloids ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. The - Compound Myrrh Loton - Pills of stem contains 1-3% total alkaloids, with ephedrine accountng for 30-90% of this total, depending Aloes and Myrrh on the plant species employed. Both ephedrine and its synthetc counterparts stmulate the Related entry: Olibanum. Pseudoephedrine (the synthetc form) is a popular over-the-counter remedy for relief of Dragon’s Blood nasal congeston. Their masses of long, hanging clusters of fragrant fowers on vines up to 40 feet long are well worth stopping for. Vigorous and long-lived, • Common: Desert Tea, Brigham Young weed, Desert these woody plants are also trained up and over trellises, along walls or pruned into small, tree- Herb, Mormon tea, Squaw Tea, and Teamster’s Tea like shapes. The most fragrant • Family: Ephedraceae of the many types of Wisteria is Wisteria foribunda, Japanese Wisteria. Its white blossoms open all at once in a spectacular display • Light: Full sun Atributes - Wisteria chinensis ‘Alba’ • Water: Can handle drought, refected heat • Plant Type: Shrub, Tree, Vine • Temperature: Hardy to 0 degrees F. Its various species can be found in • Flower Color: White the arid areas of the Northern Hemisphere, including the deserts of the southwestern U. The • Foliage: Deciduous jointed, grooved green stems and branches of some species reach heights of up to 7 feet, but most are smaller. Two or three scale-like leaves, more or less persistent depending on the species, grow at each joint • Width: 35 f. Male and female cones appear on diferent plants, the male featuring • Sunlight: Full Sun prominent yellow pollen sacs.

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Relax and allow your body to focus cheese) with salsa on recovering the nutriton God has granted • Soup and salad it allergy testing athens ga purchase deltasone with amex. Bad quality nutriton is being How to Make the Switch to tells us that 15 diferent vegetables and 10 fuids alone allergy treatment in dubai buy deltasone 20mg fast delivery. Inappropriate nutriton is now Natural Cooking diferent fruits are needed as a minimum allergy forecast gilbert az buy deltasone 20 mg lowest price. Anymore than that and you broken up properly and contributes to weight Rotatng Food Start by having a salad a day and rotatng the decrease the hydrochloric acid efectveness gain. When the body makes bad tssues, it makes Rotaton of food is very important, because parts, use leaf letuce day 1, romaine day 2, more of them. If you have inferior cells, the it diminishes allergies and supplies a variety spinach day 3, endive, chard, or escarole for Fruit and vegetable juices will stay in the body has to make fve of them to do the same of nutrients to the system. Vegetables stay in the Another thing we have to realize about food No culture has every existed that had one And once or twice a month bring in something stomach for approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours, as is that it only takes seven mouthfuls of good food as its dominant diet. The more starchy the vegetable food to give us all the nutriton we need; but ate corn as their primary food. Afer a while, Rotate cooking oils by using safower day 1, the longer it will stay in the stomach. Protein today, the quality of our food is getng worse their pituitaries atrophied and childbearing sunfower day 2, corn oil day 3, olive oil day will stay in the stomach approximately 2 to and worse. We are literally cooking 75-80 percent of the the more you take in, the longer if will remain rotate foods. Rotate other beverages as animal fat products will remain in the stomach mouthfuls of food to get all of our nutrients. These foods contain four is discouraged, but rotaton of grains somewhere between 35 and 40 mouthfuls a vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates and and sugars encouraged. We are overeatng due to the nutritonal essental fats that not only build resistance, day 1, rye day 2, millet day 3, oats, barley or depleton of our over processed foods. Use beet or maple sugar day 1, date sugar or fructose day 2, carob- The rotaton diet allows for maximum dextrose molasses day 3, honey or sorghum nutriton and minimum allergies. Take the tme to bring in special extra are designed for natural foods and rotated foods and spices once a week and your health nutrients, not processed, synthetc repetton. If varying large numbers If there are any special additons or deletons of foods aggravates symptoms, there is a your therapist or doctor will notfy you, but good possibility that insectcide or bi-sulfde anyone can improve their health by following poisoning has occurred. Rotaton: Most allergies develop because of Food Combining over use of a food source. Toxic build-up of phenyl-aromatc compounds occur due to If you start combining foods improperly, the the constant use of certain foods of similar stomach might get confused. Allergies can result from other The stomach might say there is fruit juice systemic intolerance which need special and protein in me. The stomach may treat treatment, but toxic allergies respond well the fruit juice as more important and release to this rotaton diet. They always have turn will not allow the protein tme enough to the same salad and vary the vegetables just be prepared for further digeston. To make food combining very easy, here is a 52 53 54 55 Herbal Fever Remedy Place water and herbs in a saucepan. Simmer Comfrey - Elderberry Cold and Fever Remedy Herbals for 2 minutes, then remove from heat and also reduces fever associated with cold by • 1 ounce dried Elder Flowers steep for about 20 minutes. Taken at the frst sign of symptoms, echinacea can reduce a cold’s in tensity and duraton, • 1 ounce dried Peppermint Leaves For a 50-pound child, give 1 cup of tea or half a dropperful (30 drops) of tncture daily. To Royal Herbal Tea For Severe Colds is useful to ofen even preventng it from becoming a full- • ½ pint distlled water improve the favor, the tea can be mixed with treat severe cold symptoms. This delicious cold Goldenseal helps clear mucus from the Pour 1/2 pints of distlled boiling water over apple and grape juice, unlike botled juices, remedy will get rid of symptoms of cold prety throat.