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By: W. Kalan, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Deputy Director, Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine

Nevi should be examined by a phy- sician if they are painful cholesterol news order crestor 5mg fast delivery, itching or burning cholesterol levels in cheese buy crestor online from canada, oozing or bleeding cholesterol medication atorvastatin side effects order crestor overnight delivery, inflamed, scaly or crusty, or suddenly different in size, shape, color, or eleva- tion. Diagnosis of nevi is by visual examination Figure 17–23  Plaque psoriasis (Courtesy of the Centers for and may include a biopsy. There is no way to prevent nevi, but the best way to catch potential problems at an early stage is to become familiar skin diseases. Skin can be treated to reduce outbreaks and symp- should be examined carefully on a regular basis. Photo- therapy, exposing the skin to ultraviolet light Examining Your Skin on a regular basis under medical supervision, is generally used for patients with moderate to A monthly skin self-exam helps find any suspicious skin severe psoriasis who are not responding to topi- problems early. Check your skin in a room with plenty of cal treatments or who have disease too extensive light. Phototherapy decreases note of where your birthmarks, moles, and other skin marks mitosis, scaling, and inflammation. During your head-to-toe skin self-exam, you will be looking for new moles; moles that have changed in size, to severe psoriasis does not respond to topical texture, color, or shape; moles or sores that continue to treatment or phototherapy, systemic treatment bleed or won’t heal; or a mole or skin growth that looks very may be necessary. Other treatments may include to use a comb or blow dryer to move your hair so that monoclonal antibodies that reduce inflammation you can see better. Look at Benign Tumors of Skin your genital area, buttocks, and between your buttocks. O Sit down and examine your feet, including your toenails, Nevus (Mole) soles, and spaces between your toes. A nevus is a small, dark skin growth that devel- Think Critically ops from melanocytes growing in clusters. Risk factors for hemangiomas include being female, low birth weight, and being Cau- casian. Of hemangiomas, about 30% are visible at birth and the rest become visible within 1–4 weeks of birth. Several types of hem- angiomas occur: • Port-wine stain is a dark red to purple birthmark that occurs in 3 of every 1,000 infants and is usually visible at birth (Figure 17–24 ). Port-wine stain can be flat or slightly raised, is usually permanent, and can appear anywhere on the body but usually appears on the face, neck, scalp, arms, or legs. Strawberry hemangioma berry hemangiomas are the most common will grow, start to fade, and turn gray, type, accounting for 65% of hemangiomas. Cherry heman- giomas appear nearly anyplace on the skin, but most commonly on the torso, with many about the size of a pinhead. Treatment may include laser therapy to reduce color of the hemangioma and improve skin texture, corti- costeroids to control or stop the growth of the hemangioma, and surgical excision. Addi- tional risk factors for specific skin cancers will be listed in the following sections. The exact numbers are not known because nonmelanoma skin cancers are not reported to cancer registries. The main risk factors for nonmelanoma skin cancer include Figure 17–26  Basal cell carcinoma. The lesion begins as a pearly nodule chemotherapy drugs and immunomodula- with rolled edges that may bleed and form a tors to stimulate the immune system.

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Thus cholesterol za wysoki order genuine crestor, he is in a unique position to base percent took self medication and 6 percent took no his approach to comprehensive care is the cholesterol in eggs bad crestor 20mg sale, including pro- treatment cholesterol ratio of 2.6 order crestor 10 mg visa. According to the American Academy of General Community medicine has been defined in the first Practice, a General Practitioner is a legally qualified doc- chapter. As a discipline of medicine, it teaches the study tor of medicine who does not limit his practice to a of man in health or disease (not of disease in man) particular field of medicine. He refers the patient to a and helps in finding solutions to health or disease particular specialist or consults him when the situation problems not only in the setting of a clinic or hospital exceeds the capacities of his own training and compe- but also in the community setting. However, while Community Britain describes a General Practitioner as-“A doctor Medicine/Preventive and Social Medicine places much in direct touch with patients who accepts continuing emphasis upon epidemiology and health services responsibility for providing or arranging their general administration, the emphasis, instead, in Family medical care which includes prevention and treatment Medicine/General Practice is upon primary health care, of any illness or injury affecting the mind or any part both preventive and curative, management of of the body. General practitioner, the doctor of first contact, plays medicine specialist must be potentially a good general a major role in the health care delivery system of any practitioner. Because of marked socioeconomic and scientific advancement, the community in general, and families Primary Care of patients in particular, expect a lot from him as regards receiving complete and continuous medical care. He has Training in primary care has two distinct aspects, curative to answer questions like when to marry and when to have and preventive. In order to prepare general • The family physician has to blend art and science practitioners to meet the needs of the community, in a judicious manner. He has to win the confidence separate departments of general practice should be of patients and has to develop a good doctor- established in medical colleges. Social Medicine, as at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of He should also be capable of managing common Medical Sciences, Sewagram, Wardha. Family follow-up: Medical students should be allotted • He should develop a good clinical sense and should a few families in the community at the beginning of be able to diagnose illness with the help of minimal their medical studies. The community, the family and the community are following functions are carried out here: related to the disease. Extended internship: At least 6 months out of one practitioners in indigenous systems but should rather win year internship should be devoted to training in their cooperation. This is based on the • He should be able to give suitable advice on premise that every public health man or community maternal and child care. The general practitioner can save pre- • He should be familiar with the provisions and objec- cious lives if he is familiar with immediate adminis- tives of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act tration of adrenaline, hydrocortisone and amino- and should help women to avail of this facility in an phylline, etc. A general practitioner be impressed if his blood slide is examined free and can be quite helpful in such a situation if he tries to he is given radical treatment. In patients if he gets for them the drugs for treatment addition to putting the patient in lateral position, of tuberculosis and leprosy. The general practitioner should know when notify the cases of certain communicable diseases. The patient and the family are most receptive at the • Poisoning due to chemicals, drugs, etc. Referrals • Foreign bodies: Foreign bodies in the ear, nose and throat, as well as in the eyes, are a common emer- A patient may have to be referred to higher level for 652 gency, especially in children. He modifies or has to modify • When there is possibility of a serious condition, such his methods to be successful in his mission when he faces as cancer, especially when treatable. He also must be knowledgeable Community Skills Needed in a General about the various health services available, whether Practitioner/Family Physician indigenous or modern. Such needs are better understood if a health education and should provide the same in doctor reflects upon his own needs and desires. The very same are the needs of other individuals and families in the community in which he Reference practices. For meeting such needs in a developing rural or urban society like ours, the skills used in general 1.

Most pho­ concerned about attenuation per gram but cholesterol levels tester purchase 5 mg crestor fast delivery, tons in a polychromatic beam are less en­ when we are carrying the gram on our back ergetic than the 88-keV K-shell binding as a protective apron streefwaarde cholesterol ratio purchase crestor 20mg online, our perspective energy of lead cholesterol test fasting guidelines buy crestor 20 mg cheap. Because tin attenuates more ra­ Table 5-5 shows the atomic numbers diation per unit weight than lead, it has and K edges of most elements important recently come into use for this purpose. When maximum x­ lighter tin apron gives the same protection ray absorption is desired, the K edge of an as a standard lead apron, or, if you have a absorber should be closely matched to the strong back, you can use the same weight energy of the x-ray beam. For example, of tin for the apron and have more pro­ xeroradiography employs a selenium plate tection. By multiplying electrons an excellent absorber for the low energy per gram and density, we get electrons per radiation (30 to 35 kVp) used for mam­ cubic centimeter: mography. Selenium would be a poor choice, however, as an absorber for a high­ -Xe -=-9 e energy beam, such as the 350 kVp used for 9 cm3 cm3 chest radiography with a feld emission Now we are talking about a unit we can unit. A cubic centimeter represents a thickness of 1 em, and this is the unit we absorber. This will vary electrons per gram then becomes the sim­ somewhat depending on fltration. The number of photons decreases The weight of the atom is the sum of the because some are defected and absorbed weights of the protons and neutrons. The out of the beam, just as they are with mon­ number of electrons and protons is equal, ochromatic radiation. In contrast to mon­ so the only factor that varies independently ochromatic radiation, however, the quality is the number of neutrons, which add mass of the beam also changes because the lower without affecting the number of electrons. As ber of neutrons increases faster than the the low-energy photons are removed from number of electrons. Hydrogen has no the beam, the mean energy of the remain­ neutrons, and it has twice as many electrons ing photons increases. Oxygen has The attenuation of polychromatic radi­ one neutron per electron, and half as many ation is shown in Figure 5-6. Lead has beam begins with 1000 photons having a more neutrons than electrons, so it has mean energy of 40 kV. The frst centimeter even fewer electrons per gram than oxy­ of absorber (water) reduces the number of gen. In general, the high atomic number photons by 35% and increases their mean elements have about 20% fewer electrons energy to 47 kV. The second centimeter of per gram than the low atomic number el­ water reduces the number of photons only ements. Figure 5-6 Attenuation of polychromatic ra­ The transmitted photons carry the x-ray diation image, but their pattern also carries the memory of the attenuated photons. The are a little more energetic, and increases transmitted and attenuated photons are their mean energy to 52 kV. If all photons were is continued long enough, eventually the transmitted, the film would be uniformly mean energy of the beam will approach its black; if all photons were attenuated, the peak energy. In neither When the percentage of transmission of case would there be an x-ray image. Image polychromatic radiation is plotted on semi­ formation depends on a differential atten­ logarithmic graph paper, it results in a uation between tissues. The initial slope of7 uate more x rays than other tissues, and the curve is steep, because many low-en­ the size of this differential determines the ergy photons are attenuated by the frst few amount of contrast in the x-ray image. Eventually, the slope To examine differential attenuation we of the curve becomes similar to the slope will consider a radiograph of a hand so we for a monochromatic beam as the mean only have to discuss two tissue types, bone and soft tissue. Figure 5-8 shows the linear 1,000 attenuation coeffcients of compact bone and water.

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