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By: P. Spike, M.A., M.D.

Clinical Director, Roseman University of Health Sciences

Fleisch the aging spine: new technologies and therapeutics for the osteoporotic spine spasms knee order genuine robaxin on-line. Myers VIII Vertebroplasty for osteoporotic spine fracture: prevention and treatment muscle relaxant used during surgery buy robaxin overnight delivery. Le Huec With 4 Figures Interdisciplinary approach to ballon kyphoplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures muscle relaxant whiplash order robaxin with amex. Jaschke Economic implication of osteoporotic spine disease: cost to society. Gunzburg With 7 Figures the conservative surgical treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis in the elderly. Szpalski With 2 Figures Cervical myelopathy: clinical and neurophysiological evaluation. Pavlow With 2 Figures Posterior approach to the degenerative cervical spine. Aebi With 6 Figures and 1 Table EDITORIAL Marek Szpalski the aging of the population: Robert Gunzburg Christian Mélot a growing concern for spine care Max Aebi in the twenty-first century the aging of the population in indus- Approximately 59% of US residents trialized countries appears to be a over 65 are affected by osteoarthritis, non-reversible phenomenon. Increase which is the main cause for disability in life expectancy, due in great part [3]. Costs per shifted from a pattern of high birth capita increase gradually up to the rates and high mortality rates to one 55–64 age group, and then the costs of low birth rates and delayed mor- increase very rapidly and explode af- tality [10]. Aging alone In Europe, the proportion of sub- will generate an increase of more jects over 65 was 10. The pro- the most frequently encountered portion of subjects over 75 has grown complaints of older people and the from 2. The spine is a very specific anat- When only western Europe is con- omic and functional unit. Whereas sidered, the proportion of individuals degenerative knee or hip changes M. These numbers are just a little smaller in all elderly subjects, nearly all will Molière Longchamp, Brussels, Belgium in the USA [15]. This was Intensive Care Unit, the global consequences of this demonstrated by several high-quality Erasme University Hospital, distortion of the age pyramid on studies [1]. Furthermore, the exis- Brussels, Belgium healthcare development, access and tence of degenerative images on M. Müller Institute proximately 80% of all individuals not predict in any way subsequent for Evaluative Research and Documentation in Orthopaedic Surgery, over 65 have at least one chronic complaints after several years [2]. The relation between the aging and 2 degenerative process and the possi- path but, once again, a highly expen- not appear to be such a priority. That will be ex- orders, for which high-quality stud- tures induces interactive alterations actly what elderly subjects will de- ies are rare. The comparison with the at many levels: bone, disc, facet mand and they will expect us to use treatment outcomes in hip and knee joints, ligaments. Some of these de- all the available technological arma- degeneration casts further doubt on generative lesions can be responsible mentum. New instruments measures the appropriateness of treatment of for damage to the neural elements by such as the Disability Adjusted Life degenerative spine conditions.

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Reduced sympathetic activity commonly used in the management of hypertension spasms vs fasciculations generic robaxin 500 mg with visa. Loop CHAPTER 55 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS 803 diuretics (eg spasms below breastbone robaxin 500 mg mastercard, furosemide) or potassium-sparing diuretics • Oral contraceptives spasms down left leg buy robaxin 500mg low price, corticosteroids, appetite sup- (eg, spironolactone) may be useful in some circumstances; pressants, nasal decongestants, non-steroidal anti- see Chapter 56 for discussion of diuretic drugs. Vasodilators (Direct Acting) • Check blood pressure accurately and repeatedly. As a rule, multiple measurements in which systolic pressure Vasodilator antihypertensive drugs directly relax smooth is above 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic pressure is above muscle in blood vessels, resulting in dilation and decreased peripheral vascular resistance. They also reduce afterload and 90 mm Hg, are necessary to establish a diagnosis of may be used in management of heart failure. These drugs have a limited effect surements cannot be overemphasized because there on hypertension when used alone because the vasodilating are many possibilities for errors. Some ways to im- action that lowers blood pressure also stimulates the SNS and prove accuracy and validity include using correct triggers reflexive compensatory mechanisms (vasoconstric- equipment (eg, proper cuff size), having the client tion, tachycardia, and increased cardiac output), which raise rested and in the same position each time blood pres- blood pressure. This effect can be prevented during long-term sure is measured (eg, sitting or supine with arm at therapy by also giving a drug that prevents excessive sym- heart level), and using the same arm for repeated mea- pathetic stimulation (eg, propranolol, an adrenergic blocker). These drugs also cause sodium and water retention, which • In most cases of early hypertension, elevated blood may be minimized by concomitant diuretic therapy. If symptoms do occur, they are usually nonspecific (eg, headache, weakness, fatigue, tachycardia, dizziness, palpitations, INDIVIDUAL DRUGS epistaxis). Antiadrenergic drugs are discussed in Chapter 19 and pectoris, myocardial infarction, or heart failure. Antihypertensive agents are pain, tachycardia, dyspnea, fatigue, and edema may shown in the Drugs at a Glance: Antihypertensive Drugs; occur. Brain damage may be indicated by transient antihypertensive-diuretic combination products are listed ischemic attacks or strokes of varying severity with in Drugs at a Glance: Oral Antihypertensive Combination symptoms ranging from syncope to hemiparesis. Ophthalmoscopic examination may reveal hem- orrhages, sclerosis of arterioles, and inflammation of Nursing Process the optic nerve (papilledema). Because arterioles can be visualized in the retina of the eye, damage to retinal Assessment vessels may indicate damage to arterioles in the heart, brain, and kidneys. These include: • Decreased Cardiac Output related to disease process or • Obesity drug therapy • Elevated serum cholesterol (total and low-density • Ineffective Coping related to long-term lifestyle changes lipoprotein) and triglycerides and drug therapy • Cigarette smoking • Noncompliance related to lack of knowledge about hyper- • Sedentary lifestyle tension and its management, costs and adverse effects of • Family history of hypertension or other cardiovascular disease drug therapy, and psychosocial factors • African-American race • Disturbed Body Image related to the need for long-term • Renal disease (eg, renal artery stenosis) management and medical supervision • Adrenal disease (eg, hypersecretion of aldosterone, • Fatigue related to antihypertensive drug therapy pheochromocytoma) • Deficient Knowledge related to hypertension, anti- • Other cardiovascular disorders (eg, atherosclerosis, left hypertensive drug therapy, and nondrug lifestyle ventricular hypertrophy) changes • Diabetes mellitus • Sexual Dysfunction related to adverse drug effects 804 SECTION 9 DRUGS AFFECTING THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Planning/Goals clothing, too loosely, deflated too rapidly, or reinflated be- the client will: fore completely deflated; a regular-sized cuff used on large arms that need a large cuff; using the stethoscope di- • Receive or take antihypertensive drugs correctly aphragm rather than the bell). It is disturbing to think that • Be monitored closely for therapeutic and adverse drug antihypertensive drugs may be prescribed and dosages effects, especially when drug therapy is started, when changed on the basis of inaccurate blood pressures. PRINCIPLES OF THERAPY Preventive measures are mainly lifestyle changes to reduce risk factors. These measures should be started in childhood Therapeutic Regimens and continued throughout life. Once hypertension is diag- nosed, lifetime adherence to a therapeutic regimen may be Once the diagnosis of hypertension is established, a thera- necessary to control the disease and prevent complications. If this intervention at community, family, and personal levels in- goal cannot be achieved, lowering blood pressure to any ex- clude the following: tent is still considered beneficial in decreasing the incidence • Participate in programs to promote healthful lifestyles of coronary artery disease and stroke. If hypertension develops in women taking oral intake, regular physical activity, moderate alcohol intake, contraceptives, the drug should be discontinued for 3 to and no smoking). If these modifications do not produce 6 months to see whether blood pressure decreases without goal blood pressure or substantial progress toward goal antihypertensive drugs. Studies also indicate decreased cardio- portance of effective management, especially as related to vascular morbidity and mortality with ACE inhibitors.

Instrumenting an osteoporotic spine spasms medication 500 mg robaxin, Neural dysfunction can also result although a challenging task muscle relaxant with ibuprofen cheap 500 mg robaxin free shipping, can be from spinal ischemia when blood is accomplished if certain guidelines diverted by the so-called arterial A spasms 2 buy robaxin 500mg low cost. Tzermiadianos Neurological deficits respond equally tiveness of pharmacologic treatment School of Health Sciences, well to an anterior or posterior de- for pagetic spinal stenosis has been University of Crete, compression, provided this is coupled clearly demonstrated, surgical de- Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, with multisegmental fixation of the compression should only be insti- University General Hospital, construct. With the steady increase in tuted after failure of antipagetic med- PO Box 1352, the elderly population, it is antici- ical treatment. Surgery is indicated 71110 Heraklion, Crete, Greece pated that the spine surgeon will face as a primary treatment when neural Tel. With regard logic fractures, dislocations, sponta- to surgery, however, excellent correc- neous epidural hematoma, syringo- A. Hadjipavlou Division of Spine Surgery, tion of deformities can be achieved, myelia, platybasia, or sarcomatous Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, by combining anterior and posterior transformation. Tsoukas bolic disorder and the spine is the lar antipagetic drug and several Department of Endocrinology, second most commonly affected site. Montreal General Hospital, About one-third of patients with spi- McGill University School of Medicine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada nal involvement exhibit symptoms of Keywords Osteoporosis · Fractures · clinical stenosis. The overall mortality rate also appears to be equivalent the former is a very common skeletal disorder, whereas to hip fractures. This pa- lowed over 8 years, demonstrated that patients with OVCF per looks at both conditions. It first addresses principles of have a 23–34% increased mortality rate when compared surgical management of complications caused by osteo- to patients without OVCF [69]. This study echoes the porosis of the spine (minimally invasive surgery for these findings of Cooper et al. However, in hip fractures, the excess mortality rate occurs within 6 months Osteoporosis of the fracture event, whereas in OVCF survival declines steadily after the fracture [25]. Most common causes of Surgical treatment of osteoporosis is still not widely ac- death in patients with OVCF are pulmonary problems cepted by orthopedic surgeons, nor well known among the caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) medical community at large. The first is (FVC, FEV1) is significantly decreased in patients with that more in-depth studies, which are detailed below, have thoracic and lumbar fracture. It has been estimated that shown that osteoporosis is not an innocent disease charac- one OVCF may result in 9% loss of forced vital capacity terized by minor complications and disabilities, but a seri- (FVC) [82, 121, 122]. The second OVCF are associated with back pain, which in the major- reason is the advancement of medical knowledge and tech- ity of patients is expected to subside within 2–3 months nology, which allows the use of more sophisticated instru- [34]. However, it has been postulated that in one-third of mentation and makes it possible to operate successfully patients, this pain remains as chronic pain, with varying on high-risk patients of advanced age who no longer ac- degrees of physical disability [29]. Several reports also in- cept physical conditions limiting their life enjoyment. Most cases of OVCF quences associated with osteoporosis are well known are wedge compression fractures (type A1), creating vary- through widely cited publications [24, 94, 112]. It is not ing degrees of kyphotic deformity of the spine, usually not the scope of this paper to review this aspect of osteoporo- associated with neurological deficit. However, it is worth highlighting some pertinent sta- manageable either conservatively (braces, corsets, anal- tistics regarding the magnitude and implications of osteo- gesics and antiresorptive osteoporotic drugs such as calci- porotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCF) in order to tonin and bisphosphonates, or parathyroid hormone, ap- emphasize the need for a more specific treatment. OVCF parently the most effective antiosteoporotic drug) [22, 70, is the most common fracture that may occur after minimal 88], or surgically by means of minimally invasive surgery trauma. Member States is 438,700 clinically diagnosed vertebral According to a study by Parfitt and Duncan, published fractures (117 per 100,000 person-years) [25], while the US in 1982 [101], spontaneous crush fractures in osteoporotic epidemiological databases give an annual rate of 700,000 patients do not result in spinal cord compression requiring cases [111]. However, several reports have since the average duration of hospitalization ranges from 8 appeared in the literature highlighting the fact that sponta- to 30 days [111]. Acute or subacute osteoporotic fractures that can be cor- [87, 126], these patients also experience a substantial de- rected or stabilized by minimally invasive surgery (ver- terioration in quality of life and a cascading of psychoso- tebroplasty or balloon kyphoplasty) 33 Surgical treatment Anterior decompression was accomplished through an an- terior approach in 15 patients (8 for painful deformity and 7 for neurological deficit). Anterior stabilization alone was achieved by means of a Kostuik rod: n=1, a Kaneda device: n=4, or a plate: n=1.


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