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However acne hoodie cheap isoprotil 30mg amex, this data is in contrast to that of numerous other studies in which an increased risk of AIDS was occasionally seen during treatment interruptions (Lawrence 2003+2006 acne zones and meaning purchase 30mg isoprotil amex, Ruiz 2003 skin care 50s discount isoprotil 5mg line, Ghosn 2005, Beatty 2006, Benson 2006, Walmsley 2007, Holodny 2011). In view of the risk of AIDS and the lack of evidence regarding the benefits, treatment interruptions are no longer justified. STI for reduction of toxicity Every antiretroviral therapy can cause side effects. Is it possible to reduce toxicity by treatment interruptions? Increased transaminases or lipid levels can drop quite rapidly after stopping treatment (Hatano 2000, Wolf 2005). However, it is not clear whether this is relevant in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In SMART (see below), the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic complications during STIs was actually higher. In contrast to other studies, no relevant improvement of lipids was observed (Lampe 2010). In SMART but also in other trials, biomarkers for cardio- vascular events were even elevated during treatment interruptions (Baker 2011, Olmo 2012). Thus, it seems questionable that, through solitary or repeated interruptions, the cardiovascular risk profile can be improved. What about lipodystrophy and mitochondrial toxicity? At least two studies have shown that, after a few months, mitochondrial DNA can regenerate itself following a treatment break (Cote 2002, Mussini 2005, Kim 2007). In contrast, another study showed no effect (Negredo 2006). Whether or not a clinically manifest lipodystro- phy improves, remains to be seen. At least short treatment interruptions have not had any effect on morphological changes (Hatano 2000). A six-month ART inter- ruption markedly improved adipose tissue function, although fat distribution did not visibly change (Kim 2007). Substudies from the SMART trial (see below), so far the largest, showed a moderate positive effect on peripheral fat, lipids and bone mineral density during CD4-guided treatment interruptions (Martinez 2010). Another subtrial showed more reduction of bone density on continued therapy than during interruption – however, numbers of a slightly reduced fracture risk during interruptions are still small (Grund 2009). Conclusion: Although a treatment interruption is theoretically the solution to long- term toxicity on ART, a convincing argument has not been provided by the data so far. Nevertheless, we will try to outline some relevant data. It is essential to distinguish between structured intermittent treatment with fixed intervals and interruptions that are individualized based on CD4 T cell count, in which case the interruption period depends on the patient’s immunological situation. Structured Intermittent Treatment (SIT, Fixed Intervals): In the initial phase immediately following ART interruption the viral load usually remains low. Plasma viremia only reaches pre-treatment levels after about four, sometimes six weeks.

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